Chapter 26: The Secrets Are Out

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Chapter 26

*Alex's POV*

"UGH!!" I groaned.

Jack frowned at me. "What was that?"

"I'm just frustrated! I wish Emma would just talk to me! I don't want to force her into anything, but it kills me to know that she's hurting!"

Jack hugged me tightly. "She'll talk when she's ready," Jack murmured into my ear.

I melted into him. "Easy for you to say. She'll talk to you."

"She needs someone to talk to. She doesn't know how you will react when she tells and she's scared, Lexy."

I sighed. "I just wish she would talk to me, Jack."

There was a short pause. "Let's get on stage and take your mind off everything for a while."

I sighed again. "I guess Emma won't be playing 'Remembering Sunday' with me."

Jack shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

The show was going perfect, until it came time to play 'Remembering Sunday.' I sat on my stool with my guitar and sighed.

"Hey guys! Normally my sister comes out on stage to sing this next song with me, but she's been going through a rough time, so she's..." I started saying.

I was interrupted by Danny as he walked on stage with a second stool. Emma's stool. I looked over, confused. I gave Danny a 'what the fuck?' look,  but he just shrugged. A few seconds later, the crowd erupted in cheers. Emma walked on stage with her hair in a tight ponytail, in her signature light blue ripped jeans and a low cut All Time Low tank top. With. No. Sweater. She walked on stage slowly and sat beside me. She flashed me a small smile.

"Hey," I said softly.

"Oh hey," she said.

"You ready?" I asked.

She nodded. "As ready as I could ever be."

I smiled. "Alrighty then! Let's go!"

The song went off without a hitch. I absolutely loved performing with my sister, but I was really worried about her. Her face didn't light up as much as it usually did when she was on stage. She wasn't as into is as she usually was and it made my heart break. We played the last note and I looked over at her. I flashed her a small smile, which she returned.

"Give it up for my amazing, amazing sister Emma!" I said.

The crowd erupted and Emma blushed. "Thanks Lex."

She stood up and wrapper her arms around me, kissing my cheek softly. She pressed something into my hand. "Read it when the show's done and come find me," she whispered into my ear.

She strutted of stage and I sighed. I shoved whatever she gave me into my pocket and continued with the show, putting on my stage persona even more than usual to mask how distracted I really was. As soon as the set ended, I ran off stage.

I pulled what Emma gave me out of my pocket. I unfolded the small note and read it.

'Hey Lex,

I think I'm ready to talk. I'll be on the bus. Come by yourself and don't tell anyone please.

I love you Lexy,

Emma xoxo'

"Jack!" I screamed.

He ran over. "Yeah?"

"I need you to keep everyone off the bus!" I said.

He nodded, hugging me quickly. "No problem."

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