Chapter 19: The Break Up

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Chapter 19

*Alex's POV*

"Hey Lexy-poo?" Jack asked.

I cringed but laughed. "You know I hate that name! And yes, Jacky?"

Jack and I were cuddling in the back lounge away from everyone else.

"I just thought of something," he said.

"What's that?" I asked, intrigued.

"Well," he paused, "I was just thinking, what about Lisa?"

I looked at him, confused. "What about Lisa?"

"Did you... like... break up with her?" He asked, his voice small.

My eyes widened. I hadn't even thought about it. Lisa and I were technically still dating and I was cheating on her. "Holy shit no! Oh my God Jack! I am so sorry! This isn't fair to you! I'll call her right now!"

I stood to grab my phone, but he pulled me back down. His face was only inches from mine and I momentarily forgot what I had been thinking about. Jack had that affect on me. He kissed me softly and smiled.

"Don't worry about Lisa right now. You might want to keep the act up until we are ready to tell the world. As soon as you break up with Lisa, everyone will know, which means everyone will ask what happened," he said.

I frowned. "I guess. I just can't believe I haven't even thought about Lise in so long. I feel so bad."

"Call her Lexy."


He interrupted me. "Just call her. She probably misses you like crazy."

I sighed. "Okay."

I pulled out my phone and hit speed dial 2. Jack had always been number 1, long before we ever started dating.

"Hello?" Lisa said.

"Hey, it's me."

"Alex! Oh my God! Hey!"

I laughed. "Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing really. I really miss you."

I paused. "I miss you too... babe." It hurt to say the last word. I looked over at Jack, but he just smiled and motioned for me to continue.

"What...  umm... happened? I mean... you just stopped texting me and calling me and stuff. I mean, I know you're busy and all, but yeah," she said.

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm sorry. It's been busy with Warped Tour and Emma and everything."

"Emma? Who's Emma?!" Lisa's voice must have raised 4 octaves. I could hear the vemon in her voice.

I suddenly realized that I had never told her about Emma. "Emma's my sister."

"That is bullshit Alexander! I can't believe you are cheating on me!" She screamed.

Her words hurt. If only she knew. "Seriously. Emma is my sister. My twin sister actually. 4 minutes younger. We were separated when we were little kids, so she was never around."

"I can't fucking believe this! You are fucking committing to this bullshit sister story! You are fucking pathetic Alex!" She was practically spitting acid by this point.

I felt the tears stinging. I said nothing.

"You know what Alex? We are fucking done! And you know what? Go ahead and fuck that little Emma bitch cause when Flyzik stopped touring with you, we hooked up! I don't fucking need you! Now me and Flyzik can be together! Good fucking bye Alex!" She screamed and hung up the phone.

I was frozen. I never expected it to go like that.

"Lexy? Are you okay?" Jack asked.

I was still frozen. I had no idea what to think or say. On one hand, I didn't have to worry about the guilt of cheating on Lisa, but I was a little pissed at Flyzik. On second thought, I really wasn't. I was relieved.

I sighed. "I'm fine actually."

I cuddled up close to Jack and smiled to myself. I looked up at him from my position on the couch and smirked. I kissed him softly. "I really love you."

He smirked. "I love you too Lexy-poo."

I groaned.

He laughed. "Hey now! That's not the right sound."

He shifted his position and started nibbling on my ear, making his way down to my neck. I moaned loudly. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close as he continued to nibble.

"God, I fucking love you!" I moaned.

He laughed. "There we go. That is the right sound."

Our fun was cut short when we heard footsteps on the bus. We separated ourselves and acted casual. Emma walked into the back lounge and we both signed.

"Hey Em! What's up?" Jack asked.

She shrugged. "Nothing much. However, what the hell happened between you and Lisa?"

I laughed. "I mentioned your name and the over-dramatic bitch assumed that we were fucking and then she admitted to cheating on me with Flyzik."

"Well then," she said.

Jack laughed. "Yeah. It was pretty funny. Lise was fucking pissed. Alex explained that you were his sister and she was kept calling it a bullshit story."

Emma shook her head. "She doesn't sound like the sharpest tool in the shed."

I laughed. "She really wasn't. I'm glad it's over. Now I can focus on my Jacky."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Keep it in your pants you 2."

Jack started pouting. "But Emma!" He whined.

"I was coming to find you to a) ask about Lisa and b) tell you that the guys will be on the bus in a few minutes, so keep it in your fucking pants." Emma said.

"How did you find out anyways?" I asked.

Emma laughed. "Check twitter. She's been hating tweeting you calling you an ass, a man-whore, etc. She found my account and has been hating tweeting me too."

"I'm sorry," I said.

"I don't give a shit! She's a dumb bitch, so I could care less," Emma said.

I laughed. "Alright. I'll address all that later. Pretty much everyone knows your my sister, so I'm not really worried about much. If anyone starts harassing you online, let me know and I'll bitch 'em out."

Emma just laughed. "The guys are here, so behave."

"I don't wanna!" Jack said, pouting.

Emma and I laughed.

"I guess I'll have some explaining to do," I said as Emma left the back lounge.

Jack laughed. "I'm pretty sure everyone will side with you, so let's do this!"

I laughed. "Let's fucking go!" I cheered, kissing Jack one more time before everyone invaded the bus.


2 chapters in one day! Woohoo!! I'm on a roll!

Hope you like this one! I realized that I never established a break up between Alex and his girlfriend Lisa, so I thought this was necessary.

Next chapter will prob be in Pete's POV. I have a few ideas.

Also, I'm not sure when this story will end, but I have an idea for a sequel where Alex and Jack and the rest of the guys pretty much force Emma to audition for the Voice cause I think that would be cool! Let me know what you think! It would have less Jalex, but it would have more Patrick (for reasons I can't tell you yet) and who knows who else? What to y'all think????

K well goodnight my lovelies!

love ya xoxo


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