Chapter 36: It's Not The End, But A New Beginning

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Chapter 36

*Outside POV ei. no spe*

***2 months later***

The final notes of 'Remembering Sunday' rang out and the crowd cheered. Emma kissed her brother on the cheek before running off stage. Soon, the whole band was back on stage, rocking out for the last time on this short tour. It was the last show of the short, US tour that had begun shortly after the move to Chicago, and it was in the band's new hometown of Chicago, Illinois.

"I think we need a little extra help tonight, Zack! What do you think?" Alex said.

Zack smiled mischievously, putting his bass down to go find his girlfriend. Alex thought that he knew what was going on, but he had no idea. A few short seconds later, Zack walked back on stage, with Emma kicking and screaming on his shoulder. He put her down and she hit him in the arm playfully.

"What's going on here?" She demanded, using Zack's mic to be heard.

Alex laughed. "We need a little extra help with this next song. I think you'll know just what to do."

Emma sighed and shook her head as the opening notes of 'A Love Like War,' rang through the stadium. Emma did know just what to do, singing Vic Fuentes parts in the song. The song ended and Emma moved to walk off stage, but Zack stopped her.

She looked at him, confused. He dropped his bass and picked up his mic, an odd thing for Zack to do. He turned to Emma and smiled at her, nothing but love filling his eyes and heart.

"Emma, I have loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you. You've changed my life and you mean the world to me. You are my absolutely everything. You've stayed with me through everything, just as I have with you, and I want it to be like this forever," he said.

He knelt down on one knee, pulling a small, velvet ring box from his pocket. He flipped open the box and looked up at Emma from his kneeling position.

"Emily Anne Marie Gaskarth. Would you do me the incredible honour, of letting me marry you?" He asked.

Emma looked down at her kneeling boyfriend and let the waterworks loose. She wrapped her arms around him. "Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! I will absolutely marry you, Zacky!" She cried.

The couple kissed passionately, a kiss that lasted longer than a normal kiss. Zack slid the beautiful diamond engagement ring on Emma's finger and they kissed once more.

Alex, too busy paying attention to his sister's engagement, was oblivious to what was going on behind him. That is, until the crowd started chanting "JALEX! JALEX! JALEX!"

Alex turned around slowly. His hand flew to his mouth as he saw Jack, kneeling on one knee, a velvet box in his hand.

"My amazing and perfect Lexy. There is no one in this world that could ever compare to you. You are my everything and I can't live without you. I never could. And Emma, Zack, I don't mean to interrupt your happy moment, but...

"Alexander William Gaskarth. Will you marry me?" Jack asked.

Tears sprang to Alex's eyes as he practically tackled the younger man, his boyfriend. Alex kissed Jack with all the passion that burned inside of him. "Of course I will marry you," Alex breathed in between the hot kisses.

Jack chuckled as he slid the far less extravagant ring onto, his now, fiancés finger.

The 2 couple met in the middle of the stage and stood to face the crowd. The familiar faces of their friends jumped out of the crowd. Patrick and Pete, now open about their relationship, kissed quickly before they joined the rest of the crowd in the deafening applause.

Emma and Alex looked at each other before looking at their fiancés and kissing them one last time.

Having already played the finale song, Alex grabbed his mic and turned to the crowd. "A lot has changed over the past little while, but the fact remains. This may be the end of this amazing tour, but this is just the beginning. The future is looking bright guys. Thank you so much for coming out tonight, we love you. We are All Time Low! Thank you Chicago!"

Alex was right. This was the end of one chapter of their lives, but only because the next chapter was being written page by page. It wasn't the end, but in fact, a new beginning.

Long Lost (an All Time Low/Jalex fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant