Thank You

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So this is the end ladies and gentlemen (if there are any guys that read this story). I can't even remember when I first started this story, but here we are, at the end.

But fear not! For this is but the end of book 1. The second book will commence shortly, but I don't know when exactly. I'm going to take a break to edit this story and fix all the mistakes and do a bit of editing here and there, then I will start book 2. I'm not sure when it will begin being uploaded, but i promise it will be soon.

For now though, I need your help. I'm torn between which book should come first. Should it be a book about the wedding shenanigans, or should it be a book about Emma auditioning for the Voice? Both will happen, I just don't know which I want first. I was thinking the Voice book should be first only because less people would know who Emma is and it would be more interesting. Let me know what you guys think. The wedding book would have more characters (Emma, Zack, Pete, Patrick, Alex, Jack, Rian, Kenna, maybe even a few other special appearances, who know), but the Voice book would be mainly Emma and Patrick (no nothing romantic, you'll see though). I would love to know you're opinion on the matter.

Finally, I wanted to thank every single one of you who took/takes time out of your day to read my little story. I never though anyone would read this and now look! I've made it to the end and it now has 1001 reads as of writing this message for you. You don't even understand how grateful I am that you would read this. I never could have expected to get so many reads or so many comments. Over 100 as of me writing this.

I want to give special thanks to the people who commented on the story. I loved reading and replying to all of your comments and I hope you stick around so we can have more awesome conversations. My sincerest thank you's to @Shallow98, @simpleplanlover, @RaynieDaysHappenL/@RainbowSpiderWOman and @myfalloutalltimelow for all commenting and conversing with me. I loved it and I hope we can continue conversing be it on this story or the next one. I love you all.

For all the amazing people who read, but didn't comment, I love you all. If you want, comment down below and let me know you are out there, even if it's a simple hello. I would love to know the amazing people who read this.

I'm going to go now. Start editing, start writing and work on a few things. I have some ideas for new fics that I may or may not upload. I'm not really sure what's going to happen next, but I think it'll be fun.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. You guys are amazing.

For the last time on this story, question of the day: like I said before, wedding shenanigans, or the Voice? You're input will make a difference.

I love you all so much xoxo


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