Chapter 15: Climbing a Mountain With Patrick Stump

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Chapter 15

*Emma's POV*

I quickly decided that Warped Tour was heaven. So many of my favourite bands, all in one place. I got to see so many shows and meet so many amazing people. During the 4th or 5th day on Warped, something incredible happened.

I woke up at around 10 am, which was way earlier than usual. I rolled out of bed, ate breakfast alone and got dressed. I begrudgingly threw my hoodie on and walked off the bus.

"Em! It's like 90 degrees! How can you be wearing a goddamn sweater?" Alex demands.

I shrugged. "I dunno."

I see Patrick and Andy sitting in the lawn chairs that the guys set up whenever the bus was parked.

"Morning Emma!" Andy said.

I smiled and sat down in the chair beside Patrick. "Morning!"

I tugged the sleeves of my sweater down over my hands and tucked my feet under me. I could see Patrick looking at me though the corner of my eye, but I chose to ignore it. I didn't want to know what he thinking about me because he probably didn't like me much.

"Hey Emma? Do you want to go for a walk up the mountain with me?" Patrick asked seemingly out of nowhere.

I was caught off guard. "Oh... Umm... Sure."

He smiled and I melted. I smiled back as we both stood and walked towards the base of the small mountain.

"I'll be back later Lex," I said as I walked past Alex.

He smiled. "Bye Emmy."

Patrick and I walked slowly up the mountain. We didn't talk much, but it was nice. I didn't feel like I had to talk, and Patrick never tried to make me talk. It was a comfortable silence. When we got to the top of the little mountain, Patrick sat on a rock with his legs dangling over the edge. I hesitated, but sat down beside him.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Patrick broke the silence. "I can't take this anymore! Sweater. Off. Now. I don't care what you are hiding under there, just take the dang sweater off."

I froze.

He softened his voice. "Look Emma. Whatever you are hiding, whatever is wrong, I won't judge you and I won't ask questions. It just kills me to see you overheating wearing that damn sweater. Please take it off. For me?"

My hands started to shake and I could feel myself about to cry. I clenched my fists to keep them from shaking.

"Please?" He begs, his voice barely a whisper.

I shake my head, barely able to contain my tears.

Patrick grabs my hand and hold it tight. He says nothing for a while. I finally manage to calm myself down and stop myself from shaking. Patrick was staring down at the ground so far below. I found myself pulling my hand away from Patrick's.

He looked at me, his eyes questioning.

I didn't let myself hesitate. I grabbed the bottom of my sweater and pull it off in one swift motion, exposing my torn up arms. The scars still hadn't faded nearly enough. The thin pink lines still stood out like a sore thumb.

He looked over and smiled sweetly at me. He didn't look at my arms or look sorry for me. Relief washed over me. He wasn't asking about anything. He was just letting me take my sweater off.

We sat together on the mountain's edge for a good 2 hours; talking and telling stories. He never once mentioned my arms, and I was so grateful for that. We decided to head back at around noon.

"Thanks for this Patrick," I said quietly, slipping my hoodie back on.

He smiled. "Anytime Emma."

I smiled.

"No, seriously, anytime. Anytime you need a break or want to escape the heat that sweater must hold, just let me know. We'll go for a walk and just hang out," he said, grabbing my hands.

I blushed. "Thanks, but you have to promise not to tell anyone!"

He smiled softly. "I promise."

I held up my extended pinky. "Pinky promise?"

He wrapped his pinky around mine. "Pinky promise."

We stood there with our pinkies locked together for what seemed like a few minutes, but was really only a few seconds. We unhooked our fingers and I smiled shyly at him. He passed me his phone and told me to put my number in. I handed him mine and told him to do the same.

"We should probably get back," he said.

I nodded. "Yeah... I guess."

We walked back down the mountain. Zack was the first to see us.

"Hey babe," he said, kissing me softly.

I blushed. "Hey!"

"What were you guys up to?" Zack asked.

Patrick smiled. "Emma is my new walking buddy! Is that okay with you man? I don't want to swoop in and steal your lady."

Zack laughed. "Emma doesn't belong to me. If anything, I belong to her. I trust her more than anything. I will never tell her what she can and can't do."

I smiled.

Patrick laughed. "Smart man. Feisty ones like this are meant to be free, not caged."

Zack and I laughed.

"So, same time tomorrow Emma?" Patrick asked.

I smiled. "Absolutely!"

"Yay! See you then!" He said before walking off.

I knew I was smiling like an idiot, but I didn't care. I was friends with one of my biggest idols in the world. He knew my secret, and didn't ask. I loved and respected him even more for that.



Hope you guys like this one, I am pretty proud of it! It's also like midnight 30, so there may be some weird mistakes and stuff, but yeah.

Let me know what you think! There will be a lot more Patrick in this story, so yay!!!

Talk to you guys soon!

Love ya xoxo


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