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I woke up bright and early, so unlike me but hey ho.

The one thing I couldn't get my head around was the fact that Camila was still sleeping. She's usually up and ready to go by 7. It's almost 9 now.

Why not have a little fun?

I made my way to her bedroom and opened the door slightly. I smirked as I saw her lay there with the bedsheets covering her body.

I connected my phone to my speaker, and tapped my screen, waiting on the song to load. Oh lets see how much she loves this song now.

Seconds later, the song was playing loudly and she began to stir. She groaned loudly and covered her head with the pillow.

"Y/n turn it off!" She yelled. I chuckled and walked further into her bedroom.

"Theres a magic word" I laughed softly.

"Please turn it off!"

I shrugged my shoulders. Hm, thats the one.

I stopped the music and let out another laugh. "Come on, you wanted to go shopping remember?"

"I can't" she whined. I frowned a little.

"You can't? Why?"

"Im sick" she muttered. Awh.

"Oh, whats up?" I asked her. She spun around, now facing me as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up, my head is killing me and I have a temperature" she whispered. I placed my hand over her forehead without even thinking. Shit, she's gonna yell at me for this.

She whined again. "Does my head feel hot?"

I nodded slowly, expecting her to yell. "Yeah, really hot, actually"

She frowned as she shut her eyes. I think she needs to eat or something.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"I think you should still eat something" I said quietly.

She shook her head again. "I said I'm not hungry"

"Yeah but-"


I sighed, knowing I'm right. She's annoyingly cute?

"Let me make you some soup, I swear it'll make you feel better" I said to her. She opened an eye and smirked a little.

"I don't want food poisoning too"

I let out a soft laugh. "Ah, so you do have a little humour"

"I am pretty funny sometimes" she smiled sleepily. I stood up from the bed and decided i'd definitely make her soup after a few minutes of thinking about it. I must admit, I found it difficult to leave her. She looks so comfortable.

It only took me around twenty minutes or so to make the soup. Believe it or not, this soup is good. Its like a magic hangover cure too.

I tapped on her door again and heard her mumble 'come in'.

I smiled and placed the bowl of soup down beside her. She looked at it, then smiled at me.

"You actually made this for me?" She asked as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, It'll make you feel better" I shrugged. "Try it"

She shrugged her shoulders and tired it, her face lit up.

"Y/n this is really good" she said, having another spoonful. I smiled smugly.

"I told you so" I said while yawning. She laughed softly.

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