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Y/n's POV

The instant feeling of regret kicked in as soon as the other girl finished, moaning out my name. What have I done? Why did I just do that?

The girl, that I don't know the name of, let out a seductive giggle.

"Well y/n, you definitely have not disappointed me" she breathed out. I smiled a little, running my hand through my hair.


Her hand touched my shoulder and I shoved it away.
"Look, this shouldn't have happened"

She clenched her jaw, nodding her head. "We all make drunken mistakes, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah..."

I can't believe I was ever stupid enough to do this. I've taken this split from Camila too far. She'd never do something like that to me.

"Can you...leave?" I asked her.

She screwed up her face as she scoffed. "Seriously?"


"You're an asshole!"

"Everyone makes drunken mistakes, you were a mistake. Leave, now"

And with that, she threw her clothes back on and left, without saying another word to me.


Camila's POV

I smiled as I walked past a group of students, all saying good morning to me at the same time. I walked into my classroom and pulled out the registration list.

"Like honestly, she was so good, probably the best i've ever had" one of the girls spoke, all of her friends giggle with her.

Some of the things I hear in school is unbelievable. The weekend stories, mostly all the same, some go into very much detail.

"I thought she was gonna let me stay the night, but she turned into a dick and kicked me out" she then told her friends.

I sat down and cleared my throat, ready to start registration.

"What the hell? What a bitch, i've always known she was" one of her friends mumbled. I couldn't help but to listen in.

"just when I thought y/n was actually different, she proved me wrong"

Y/n?...is she talking about my y/n?

"Okay class can we settle down now, I need to register you guys" I called.

"Sorry im late" I heard a familiar voice. Y/n walked in, smiling a little, walking past the group of girls.

"Speak of the devil" one of them mumbled quietly. I still heard her.

Y/n slept with someone else? She actually went that far?


Y/n's POV

I feel bad. Ridiculously bad, im such an asshole.

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