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I finish school tomorrow. Tomorrow is my last day. Very last day of school. Shit. Suddenly it has all become so scary.

"Whats up with you?"

I looked up and saw Amelia walking towards me. The bar only opened an hour ago, theres only a few people in here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I asked you a question first" she shrugged, smiling as she sat down.

She was almost like...her normal self?

"Our last day of school tomorrow, y/n. We...kinda went through it all together. Who would've thought it'd end like this" she spoke, placing her hand on her barely visible bump. She is my best friend.

"I...wanna be there for you, Amelia" I smiled a little. She smiled back.

"I know you do. I wanna be there for you too and thats why I'm here"

I narrowed my eyes. Where is she going with this.

"So, whats gonna happen to you and Camila after tomorrow. I mean, you're no longer a student" she shrugged.

"Nothing" i shook my head. "We're over, i've made that very clear to her"

"You love her though, right?"

"Why are you asking me? We can't be toge-"

"Im sorry to interrupt but what you're talking about brings back memories of my past. I...would you mind if I asked what you're talking about? Just so I know we're on the same page" a woman asked. She looked like she was in her late thirties.

"Its...a complicated relationship?" I informed her without giving too much away.

"With her teacher" Amelia added. I widened my eyes.

"Amelia!" I groaned. The woman chuckled.

"Bingo. Let me guess, you're in love with her but can't be with her because its so risky and dangerous? Neither of you want to cause trouble for the other person?" She asked. Wow...how did she know.

"..yeah...how did you-"

"I'll tell you a story" she moved closer to us, pulling the stool closer to the bar.

"Seven years ago, I was a teacher at a high school. I taught science and I taught the most amazing senior class. Somehow, I found myself curious about one of my students, a girl, Louise. She...always kept me on my toes, you know? Weather that was because she was causing trouble or because she was failing. Long story short, we fell in love, hard. The more time I spent with her the harder I fell, it was incredible. But I was scared, too scared to make it official with Louise so I shut her out, then she shut me out and we didn't talk or anything, that was heartbreaking. God, I think I spent months thinking about how stupid I was to let her go like that. Once she left school, I didn't see her again" she said, smiling a little.

What if I never see Camila again? I can't go through life without her?

"So...just like that you guys stopped talking?" I asked her. How was it so easy for her.

"No, it was a constant battle" she chuckled. "She'd try to get my attention and i'd try to get hers. Then it was like...like we'd pretend not to know each other, to get back at each other. Very immature I know-"

"No" i shook my head. "That's exactly what Camila and I do"

"Camila, huh?" She asked. "Whats your name?"


She raised her brows. "It works. Y/n and Camila. You're still a student then?"

"Tomorrow is my last day"

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