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Camila's POV

She looked so...hurt? Not just physically, because of her bruised eye...but she looked emotionally hurt.

I sat, crossed arms, thinking of ways to make her a little happier.

I know what she wants...I can't give it to her that easily. Im with Eden...she knows that.

I need to prove to her that Eden is right for me. I need to prove to myself that Eden is right for me.


"Eden?" I called as I walked into the house. I put my stuff down on the ground and walked into the living room.

"Eden?" I called again, and he appeared from the kitchen.

"Hey, whats up?" He smiled, walking towards me.

"Can you...I dunno, go out with y/n later?" I asked. She loves her brother, the two of them are, or once were extremely close.

"Uh i've already asked her actually" he smiled.

"And what did she say?"

"She said she can't. She's got plans tonight and I'm excited for her" he smirked.

Plans? Hm.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Whats that girls name again? The girl shes been chilling with for a whil-"


"Thats the one, yeah! Tonight, shes gonna ask her to be her girlfriend" Eden smiled widely. My heart dropped and I have no idea why.

Girlfriend? She's gonna ask her tonight?

"Oh...I see" I breathed out.

Eden chuckled lightly. "Aren't you happy for her?"

"Oh I am! I...am, its just...she has a test tomorrow so she can't be out too late. She can't miss another day of school" I lied. Stupid me.

Eden laughed and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him roughly. I cringed uncomfortably, not liking how rough he is sometimes.

"If this girl said yes, they'll be up all night long" Eden chuckled, kissing my cheek before disappearing into the other room.

I frowned at the thought of y/n and Lacey...having alone time.

I know this is very...selfish of me but...

I gotta see her before she asks Lacey to be her girlfriend.


I pulled up outside her house, making sure her moms car wasn't there. It'd be a little odd for me to just walk into my boss' house.

I got out the car and rushed to the door, opening it straight away.

"Woah what the hell!" Y/n groaned, walking backwards, holding her forehead.

I covered my mouth with my hands and shook my head.

"Shit I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" I apologised, walking further into her house.

"No its ok" she started. "What are you doing he-"

Before she could finish, I crashed my lips onto hers, tilting my head as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She mumbled against my lips and pushed me away.

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