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Y/n's POV

"Wait...you put vodka in it?"  Amelia chuckled. "I can't even drink it now"

I dropped my shoulders. "Aw man, that sucks"

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I smiled as it did.

'Pretty hot in here, huh?'

I chuckled at the random change of subject. Shes cute.

'Uh...i mean its not hot where I am. Where are you?'

'You don't need to know that'

I narrowed my eyes. Uh ok? Usually she'd tell me where she is right away. She doesn't like to worry me.

'What is this? Hide n seek?' I replied.

'I guess you can call it that. Except you'll never see me again. Lots of love.'

I looked down at my phone, reading that message from Camila over and over again in my head before a loud alarm rang through the building.

"What the fuck?" I muttered. Amelia raised her brows .

"Wait...is this real? Like a real fire?" She asked. I shrugged, feeling a little off.

"Im not sure..." I mumbled, looking around at the groups of worried students and teachers.

'Camila are you okay?' I sent to her, concerned about this whole situation.

"If everyone could please evacuate the building using the fire exits and head to the safety meet up zones" my mom called through the loud microphone.

Instantly everyone started pushing and shoving to get out of the building. I started to shake my head. Theres something not right.

'I told you i'd do it y/n. Don't say I didn't warn you.' I read from my phone screen. I shook my head.

"Thats not her" I whispered.

"What?" Amelia asked, pulling my arm.

"Theres something not right, Amelia. I know it" I spoke.

She looked at me as if I was stupid. "Well yeah, part of the school is up in flames. Come on, hurry up"

Amelia pulled us out, everyone was running. I see it now, the cloud of black smoke. There is an actual fire. This is no false alarm.

I stopped and stared at the cloud of smoke as I called Camila.

'Im sorry but this device is switched off ' the robotic voice spoke instantly.

The sound of a window smashing caught my attention. High flames shot out of the window, followed by black smoke. Everyone was gasping and running further and further away from the fire. Wheres my mom? Where is Camila?

I frantically looked around me, trying to spot the two of them.

"Y/n lets go before this place blows up or something!" Amelia yelled. I pulled my arm away.

"You go, i'll wait on my mom"

"Y/n you heard what she sa-"

"Go!" I yelled at her. She threw me one last look of concern before sprinting off. I watched the door as more students escaped beside teachers. Then finally, my mom.

"Y/n! Thank god you're alright!" She breathed out, pulling me into her. "Come on, to the meet up points"

I let her pull me away, but my mind just can't stop thinking about Camila.

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