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Camila's POV

Constant beeping and unusual scary sounds sent shivers down my spine. I don't even feel alive.

I can hear mumbling and people saying long words I haven't heard before.

I'd scream out in pain if I could. But I can't. My chest is too tight to even speak a few words.

I just want y/n. I want her to hold my hand and tell me everything is ok because right now, nothing is ok.

I can't even breathe on my own. Am I going to die?

I opened my eyes and the blurry image in front of me slowly cleared up, revealing tons of wires leading to machines. Not forgetting the mask over my mouth, my only oxygen supply. I hate this. I'd rather be dead. The uncomfortable feeling of something inside of me, keeping my lungs alive scares me. How could anyone be so cruel to another human being? This being my own students fault makes me never want to teach again.

"Let me in there! I promised her!" I heard y/n's voice. She's here? Let her in!

I want to yell her name, I want her here with me right now.

I turned my head and looked at all of the buttons beside me. I can still hear y/n outside of this room, she sounds distressed. I can't have her distressed when I can't hold her. I reached over and pressed a button, ringing an alarm for assistance. I watched as nurses ran in, asking if I was ok.

I pointed to the door, trying to signal that I wanted y/n. They shook their heads, confused.

"Her" I shrugged to whisper.

"Her?" A nursed asked. I nodded, then pointed to the door again. She parted her lips and shook her head.

"Miss. Cabello you can't have any visitors in here" she said to me. I frowned.

"I...need...her" I wheezed. The nurses looked at each other.

I began to cry. This is like some nightmare i'd have, and when I'd wake up, y/n would hold me and laugh, telling me I'm stupid and theres nothing to worry about. My heart warmed, just thinking about her. Why can't she just come in here and hold my hand.

"Just let me in!" She screamed, bursting through the door. The nurses held her back, her eyes locked with mine.

"Miss, you can't be in here" they said to her, she isn't listening.

"Let me go! Im telling you to let me go!" She cried, pulling away from their grip. She limped towards me as she shook her head.

"Im here baby, I'm not leaving you" she spoke, sitting beside me, holding my hand. Just by holding her hand, I feel more alive.

"I...I...love y..you" I said. It took everything in me to get those three words out. But I had to tell her, just incase it was the last time.

"I know..I know, I love you too. Come on, hold my hand and listen to me when I say everything is going to be ok" she spoke, squeezing my hand, kissing it over and over again.

"You're so precious to me" she added, a tear streamed down her cheek. I lifted my weak arm and brought my hand to her face, wiping the tear away. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Im...im sorry" I whispered. She shook her head.

"For what?"

"I d-don't...think i can do...this" I managed to say. Every word got harder and harder to say.

"No, no no no you can't think like that, you hear me?" She said, voice cracking. "You're gonna get better"

I closed my eyes, feeling myself drift off to sleep. What if I'm not falling asleep? What if this is the end.

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