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"Your eyes are pretty" Lacey whispered as she lay beside me. I chuckled silently.


She rolled off the bed and checked the time on her watch. "I gotta head home. Its late"

I sighed. Awh, I like chilling with her, laying around and doing nothing.


"I've been here for hours"

"Fair enough" I shrugged. I tiredly sat up to show her out, when she stopped. She raised her brows and picked up a black laced bra which did not belong to me. Shit. Camila left it here?! Did she do that on purpose? Not cool.

"...cute bra" Lacey smirked. Oh shit, what a relief. I thought she was gonna start questioning me about who it actually belonged to.

"Uh...thanks" I smiled nervously. This isn't fair on her. If I wasn't so caught up with this whole Camila thing, I'd definitely ask her to be my girlfriend. I don't wanna hurt Lacey. I think she's fallen for me...and theres just that one thing thats getting in the way of me falling for her and thats Camila.

Am I seriously gonna have to tell her that I think i've fallen for her and that I think she likes me too?


I stood outside her classroom anxiously, chewing the top of my pen while I thought of the words I was gonna say to her. I can't cope with this confusion, I can't deal with it anymore.

All I know, is that I want to be loved by someone...and I don't wanna hurt anyone in that process.

She either wants me, or she doesn't.

I tapped on her door, waiting on a response.

"Come in" her delicate voice spoke. She makes me weak.

I opened the door and walked in slowly. The way she looked at me made me think she knew I was nervous. The room was empty and so quiet it made me even more nervous.

"Are you ok?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I guess so.."

"I guess so meaning theres something on your mind, right?" She asked. I nodded slowly. Fuck this is horrible.

"Whats on your mind...speak to me" she smiled.

I closed my eyes and sighed. Here goes.

"Look...I know this is slightly insane but..you're on my mind too much...way too much. I can't-"

"Y/n.." she breathed out, trying to stop me.

"No, listen to me, I just need an answer..." I spoke. She nodded.


"I think that...you might...like me" I cringed at my own words.
"And thats been on my mind a lot. So please...please tell me how you feel so I can move forward"

"Move forward with what?" She asked quietly.

I shook my head. "I just need to work things out"

"With Lacey?"

"That really doesn't matter, Camila" I sighed, throwing my head back.

I moved closer to her, now standing in front of her.

"I know Eden doesn't treat you right...I want to. I can.." I spoke quietly. Her forehead rested against mine.

"Y/n...you know that I have a boyfrie-"

"You say this every time! Im beginning to think its just an excuse to-"

"Im also your teacher" she whispered.

"Thats just another excu-"

"Its wrong and I'll lose my job!" She pulled away from me, covering her face with her hands.

"It just...it'll never be" she whispered. Oh...that hurt.

We were surrounded by silence. "Ok...in that case, we gotta stop whatever's going on between us" I spoke.

"Because its wrong...right?" i added. She clenched her jaw, eyes were closed.

"...yes" she whispered, nodding her head. I know she hates this more than I do. She likes me, I know it. But I'm not hanging around any longer...I hate it. Why can't she just admit it to me?! Ugh.

"Cool...now I can more forward with Lacey" I smiled, heading towards the door. Im done with this conversation.

"Y/n wait" she breathed out shakily, grabbing my hand. She quickly pressed her lips against mine. I could kiss her and let it lead to what it always does...or I could do the right thing.

I shoved her away from me. "No"

She looked at me with sad eyes, playing with her fingers. I watched her for a few seconds, giving her one last chance to say the words I wanna hear. But she didn't.

"Its wrong...and you could lose your job, remember?" I reminded bitterly before leaving the classroom.


Eden was clashing pots and pans together, grumbling words under his breath. I rolled my eyes as I watched him.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked him.

"Well, mom has great cooking equipment, so I'm borrowing it" He chuckled.

"why? She'll kill you, you know" I smiled slightly.

He turned to me and raised his brows. "Well, I'm gonna cook dinner for my beautiful girlfriend tonight. I think shes stressed? She's been acting differently for a while"

She's been acting differently? Hm.

"How so?" I asked, acting like I didn't care. I do. I do care.

"Well, you know how we argued the other week? And she...ended up here and shit?" He asked.


"Well, it was because I wanted to have sex with her...and she didn't want it. She really didn't want it. Its so unlike her! Usually shes so down for it, we used to have sex all the time. Now? She makes up lame excuses not to do it" he informed me. The thought of them having sex almost made me spew in my mouth. Disgusting.

"Ah, I see" I groaned. I smirked, deciding to be my normal self and make a joke outta this situation.

"Want me to step in for you? Just to make sure she's still got it?" I joked. He laughed, looking at me as he shook his head.

"She'd never fuck you" he laughed. Oh really? I don't think he'd be laughing if he found out that she's been fucking me and not him over the past few weeks.

"Not true, I can prove that"

"Fuck off" he chuckled.

"Scared it'd happen?" i smirked. He shrugged.

"I dunno...I think i've found myself a real keeper this time sis. I love her...I don't want anything to get in the way of our relationship" he smiled. Oh shit. Now I feel really bad.

"Im not saying you'd ever ruin my relationship with Camila, I know you'd never do that to me. You're not only my sister, but my best friend...and you're a great friend of Camila's too...i know I can rely on you to be there for her when I'm working" he smiled. Fuck.

Im the worst person on this planet. He really loves her...and i've been messing around with her while he's been working.

I hate myself for it...but I can't help the way I feel.

If he found out, it'd break him down. He'd never speak to me again.

I can't do anything with her again. I won't. I can't lose my brother for a girl.

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