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Camila's POV

I smiled to myself as I very lightly traced patterns on y/n's back with my finger. She rested so peacefully and beautifully, I can't believe she looks that good sleeping.

The sound of the door opening downstairs startled me.

Theres someone here. Theres someone in the house.

I carefully crawled out of bed and threw clothes on. Should I wake y/n?

I can't.

I left the bedroom quietly and stood at the top of the stairs, looking down as I breathed heavily.

"Babe, im home" Eden's voice echoed from the empty room downstairs.

"Shit" I whispered under my breath before running down the stairs.


"Hey baby" he smiled. What the hell?!

"Shouldn't you be on a business trip?" I asked.

He chuckled lightly. "I was...they don't need me today so I wanted to come home early. I missed you too much"


I threw him a fake smile as he got closer to me, holding his arms out. I hugged him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Is that...y/n's bag?" He asked. My eyes widened. Oh shit.

"Uh...yeah, it is" I answered honestly.

"Why is her bag here?" He chuckled. "Is she here?"

Oh fuck.

I nodded, smiling a little. "Actually, she is"

His cheesy smile disappeared and he frowned a little.

"She had assignments to do and I was helping her. She finished it at like...1am so she stayed the night" I lied.

He nodded. "Ah...ok"

His eyes flicked over to the stunning roses y/n bought me. Oh my god why is this happening right now.

"Who do these belong to?" He asked, smiling weirdly at them.

"I bought them...they were cute so...yeah, I bought them" I smiled.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "You like flowers?"

I nodded. "I do indeed"

"Since when?" He laughed as if I was lying.

"I've always liked flowers, Eden. Especially those ones" I informed him. How come y/n worked that out before my own boyfriend?

"Hm, I didn't know that"

"I figured"

"Why are you in a bad mood with me? You've not been with me all weekend and this is how you're acting now?" He shook his head. I backed away from him, not enjoying his company at all.

"Im fine"

"Clearly you're not. Whats up?" He asked.

"I said I'm fine"

He laughed bitterly. "So boring today"

That was it. He pissed me off.

"If you find me so boring, Eden, maybe you should find someone who satisfies your needs and doesn't bore you to death" I raised my voice. He raised his brows, looking a little confused.

"Eden?" Y/n's raspy morning voice appeared. "Is everything ok?"

We met eyes, she knows I'm angry with him.

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