4. Tryouts

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I open my locker and put my books in before a catch a glimpse of a few people from the corner of my eye. I close my locker and turn so my back is against the lockers.

"What do you know about what happened last night?" Stiles asks. I shake my head.

"I heard the end of it, but that's it." I reply.

"How do you only hear the end of something?" He gives me a weird look.

"I was home, but I used the whole wolf hearing thing to see what was going on outside. I got the end of what was going on over there but that's it." I state. "The kid's name is Sean, I know that much. And the guy who did it, well his voice seemed like it was computerized. I know Sean jumped out of his window and ran, or at least tried too. That's all I know though."

"Well, Sean made it to the hospital, but he won't talk to anyone, or eat. Which is normal after a traumatic experience, but he's fine. And that other guy murdered his whole family with a military tomahawk, he was going to do the same to him. That's all that they know sure. We can't get a sketch because he won't talk." Stiles scratches the back of his neck.

"And, uh, his last name is Walcott." Scott adds. My eyes widen.

"Walcott!" I whisper yell. "This wasn't an incident, this is in fact a supernatural case. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the killer is a hunter."

"Why?" Scott furrows his eyebrows.

"And don't let anyone in that room with him." I say just before the bell rings. "I'll see you two at tryouts."


I lace up my tennis shoes and pull my bag onto my shoulder before walking into the boys locker room toward the office. I open the door and throw my bag down by the desk.

"You about ready kiddo?" Dad asks looking up from the desk.

"Let them finish getting ready then we'll go out and start." I reply. He nods and goes back to his paper. I sit down in a chair against the wall and play with my fingers. I run a hand through my hair and sigh. I gather it all up and put it in a ponytail. I get up and walk out into the locker room. "Alright, get your sorry asses out to the field! Hustle!" They all mosey out. "First five people out get one less lap than everyone else!" They all start running toward the door. Dad walks out with a clipboard and his whistle. "Psych." I scoff before walking out to the field. "Alright everyone take three laps! I didn't see who made it out first so everyone does three."

"That's my girl." Dad says with a smile, gently shaking my shoulder. I smile and watch as everyone runs around the track.

"Hey McCall! Pick up the pace! My grandmother moves faster than that and she's dead!" I yell at Scott. Scott stops when he gets to me.

"I'll race you, two laps, if I win, I get captain, if you win, it's up to debate." He smirks.

"Hope you like losing then Scott." I say as we line up straight.

"Alright, go." Dad blows his whistle and Scott and I take off. My feet pound against the track and Scott follows close behind. I slow down a bit and let Scott get ahead. We finish the first lap and I let him think he's going to win. I wink at Dad as we pass and I can smell Scott's cockiness radiating off of him. We get close to the end of the last lap and I pick up my pace, easily passing him and getting a lead big enough that he can't catch up without using a little wolf power. I finish the lap and do a few flips before smirking in victory.

"You thought you had it in the bag." I state. "Pro tip McCall, never let your ego get ahold of you."

"How'd you manage to do that?" He asks.

"Slow and steady wins the race." I reply. "Unlike you, I wasn't using up all of my main speed the whole time. I sprinted a bit then gave back to make you think that you'd win. I was messing with your ego a bit. Then once you were for sure that you were going to win, and started to tire out a bit, I sped up and passed you up."

"The only way I could've beat you was to use a little wolf power."

"Not even then, I'm stronger and faster, if you would've tired, I would've walked all over you." I state.

"You just wanted to show me up." He concludes.

"And captain has to be in the best shape." I smirk.

"But I'm not captain yet." He says to my retreating figure.

"But you want be, right?" I ask.

"Well yeah." He replies.

"Captain has to be in the best shape." I say before continuing to walk away.

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