5. Wendigo

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I walk in the doors of the hospital and walk straight past the receptionist's desk and toward the elevator. I hear footsteps then my name being called. The footsteps break out into a run to catch up with me.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asks.

"Taking care of your pest problem." I reply pressing the button for the elevator.

"Is this about that thing you said earlier?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it is." I say. I hear a scream and Scott's head flicks upward.

"Mom!?!" He get on the elevator and I run to the stairs. I skid to a stop at the end of a hallway before letting my eyes glow and my fangs emerge. I hear the scream again and run down the hall at full speed.

"Go get that son of a bitch." A woman says before I watch the wendigo run toward me. I growl before slamming it against a wall and slashing its chest open. It throws me off and Scott runs through before tackling it. I jump up as it throws Scott down and throw it across the hall. It runs at me as Scott slowly stands and I roar, throwing Scott off balance and making the wendigo drop to his knees. I walk toward it and slash its arm before it throws me back. It turns and runs while I climb back to my feet. Scott slowly stands and runs after it. I follow Scott and listen to anything else that could jump out and attack. I end up on the roof and look around before watching Scott and Sean battle it out, Sean trying to kill Liam in the process. I grab Sean and throw him against a big air vent. He lands on all fours and growls at me. I growl at him and run at him. I hit him twice before throwing him again. A man without a mouth walks onto the roof, tomahawk in hand and kills Sean. I glance at Scott before walking backwards, away from him. He hits Sean three more times before pulling it out of his back and grabbing a different one from the back of his pants. I glance at Scott again and look at Liam dangling over the edge. The mute throws the tomahawk and it catches me in the leg. I fall but quickly pull it out and run to hide.


"It wasn't just Scott, this kid and the mute up here." The man states.

"Can you smell his fear?" Sheriff asks.

"No, his blood." He replies. I step down from the ledge and he tenses. "There's someone else up here." Sheriff pulls out his gun.

"Show yourself." Sheriff orders. I hold my hands up as I limp out of the shadows.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, I've been here all night. I know what happened." I state. Sheriff puts his gun down and gives me a slightly disappointed look.

"Brittany how the hell did you managed to get drug into this?" He asks.

"Uh, well, let's see. Your son approached me during school asking what I knew about Sean's family being murdered, he gave me a last name, I told him to make sure nobody went in that room with Sean. Someone went in, Sean ate them, tried to kill and eat Melissa, Scott and I followed him up here and he was trying to kill Liam. Big fight, mute shows up with military tomahawks laced in wolfbane, kills Sean, chucks a fresh one right into my leg, I black out, wake up and Scott and Liam are gone and cops are here." I reply.

"I haven't heard of wendigos in Beacon Hills for a long time." The man states.

"They typically stick to what they get from the morgue or what they find already dead. That's why you haven't heard of them in a while." I retort. I stagger slightly then regain my balance.

"You okay, Brit?" Sheriff asks.

"Eh, just a little wolfsbane traveling toward my heart. I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." I shake a hand at him and the man gapes at me.

"How in the hell are you still standing?" He exclaims.

"Your little buddy, Scott, he ain't the only true alpha. I just have more power. I'm faster, stronger, a better fighter, not as stupid, you name it." I smirk. "Hurts like a bitch, but I don't really care."

"Yeah well, wolfsbane is supposed to hurt, it's poison. And you're not going to last long if you don't get it out of your system." He deadpans.

"Fine then, got a lighter sheriff?" I look toward Noah and he pulls one from his pocket. He tosses it to me.

"What are you going to do with that?" He asks.

"Burn the wolfsbane out of my system." I reply holding the flame against my leg where the tomahawk had hit me. I slightly grimace and my eyes change color. The pain from my veins goes away and I withdraw the lighter. "That hurt like a bitch." I say before tossing the lighter back. I watch it heal. "Has he called in asking for me yet?"

"Yeah, just before we came here." Sheriff replies.

"Well, I don't feel like walking through this stupid hospital. So I will see you all later." I step up onto the ledge.

"What the hell are you doing Brittany!?! Get down from there!" He snaps.

"Relax, I'm a werewolf, I'll land." I state.

"Derek, will she land and not die?" Sheriff glances at the man, who I'm going to say is Derek.

"If she really is an alpha, yeah." Derek replies.

"Trust me." I make my eyes glow. "I'm an alpha." I smirk before jumping off the ledge.

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