21. Is Danger a Kink?

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I smile with my head resting on his chest, our hands sloppily intertwined.

"Ya know, I'm glad you didn't go to school." Derek states.

"Yeah, me too." I nod. We kiss briefly a few times then I rest my head back on his chest. The alarm sounds letting us know someone is in the building. "Guess we have to get dressed now." I sigh. I grab a T-shirt from the floor and put it on. I put on underwear and sweats then plop back onto the bed. "Peter intrusion in 3, 2."

"Hope you two weren't busy, but either way we have a bit of a problem." Peter states. "Well, you have a problem, specifically Brittany."

"Talk." Derek and I say simultaneously.

"I heard Scott and his beta discussing the hit list and well, Derek is in the clear, but that 15 million on his head was added to your 25. You're at the top of list with 40 million of my dollars on your head." Peter crosses his arms. "Have fun."

"Did you also hear about how you are the only supernatural in Beacon Hills that has never been on that list?" I stand and walk toward him. "Even Conner got added to list. So whoever the Benefactor is, is going to deliver to me 5 million, but that's beside the point. The point is even someone who randomly appeared here was on the list, when you've been here the entire time. It was your money used to set this up, and its your name that was never mentioned in any of lists. Making you the main suspect." I push his chest gently and he steps back.

"Do you think I would sabotage myself and set my daughter and nephew up to be murdered?" Peter questions.

"You ripped your niece in half for power, and you've always wanted to wipe Beacon Hills of all supernatural beings and then creating your own army of new ones." I step forward, "So yeah, I think that you would sabotage yourself and set almost an entire city, including your own flesh and blood, to be murdered, putting the most money on the heads of the people you want gone fastest." I take a deep breath, "I have already ripped one poor excuse of werewolf apart today, and gladly make it two. Just remember I show no mercy or remorse. You are going to suffer when I get my hands on you." My eyes glow and I hum a tune. "Leave, don't come back." I allow my eyes to return to normal and he leaves.

"Holy shit." Derek says.

"What?" I ask.

"You are just getting more bad ass by the second, and my sexuality is bad ass." He replies stepping toward me.

"So we both have bad sexualities." I shrug before laughing. "Is danger a kink?"

"Its more a fetish." He shrugs. We both laugh before connecting our lips passionately and lustfully.

"I love you." I declare. He kisses me again.

"I love you more." He whispers. We kiss again.

"Prove it." I breathe. We continue to kiss and he pushes me onto the bed. I pull him on top of me and his lips attack mine making me forget whose air I'm breathing. His kisses move to my neck, my back arches as a soft moan escapes my lips. I feel him smile against my neck. I put a hand in his hair and bite my lip as his continue to attack my neck in a way that makes my head spin.


Okay so she's gotten better with her siren side of the Lamia. And her hatred toward Peter is getting stronger while her love for Derek is well, you read it...

Anyways, I figured I'd leave a little note for you all and take this as a late holiday gift. So yeah...

You Know Who I Am

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