23. Satomi

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"How long has she been like this?" Deaton asks.

"I don't know, Bobby called me about twenty minutes ago. She'd been like this for a while before that." I reply squeezing Brittany's hand.

"Melisa and I will do everything we can, but I don't know how much time we have to do it."

I rest my head against her torso and keep a firm grip on her hand. The monitor beeps slowly, but at least she's still breathing. I haven't left her side since she lost consciousness. Her body is weak, she can't heal. I would bet my life on an assassin doing this to her. She's worth 40 million, even though I think she's priceless.

"You need to eat Derek." I look up and Brittany takes the oxygen tube off.

"You need to leave that on." I state grabbing her wrist.

"I'm breathing perfectly fine on my own." She retorts. "Go eat, I'm fine, Dad is on his way up now."

"I'm not leaving until he gets in here." I shake my head. Her eyes glow.

"Go, I can't take care of myself for  a minute." She growls.

"Brit-" she starts humming and I sigh before getting up. "I'm going." She stops humming.

"Good." She says. "Be careful. Some people might still try to kill you." I nod before walking to the door.


A few seconds pass and Dad walks in with a cup in his hand. He hand me the cup and steps back.

"Are sure this will work?" He asks nervously.

"Yes, and you need to get to the highschool for the SAT. I'll be fine." I reply before drinking some of the tea. He stands still. I make my eyes glow. "I said go." I chug the rest of the tea. "Dad, I'm fine." I state. He takes a step back. "Do I have to siren you?"

"Be careful." He says turning around.

"You too." I say ripping wires out.  I grab my duffle bag and walk to the bathroom. I take a quick shower then get dressed. I leave the bathroom clad in a black T-shirt and leggings. I lace my boots up and leave my room. I hear gun shots below me and sprint to the elevator. I rip the doors open and jump on top of the elevator. I rip open the fire escape in the top and shift as I silently drop down. I dig my claws into the blonde's back and she drops the gun. "You know, I don't take too kindly to being poisoned." I rip my claws out from her back then rip her head off. "Bitch." I grab a small golden knife from the wall and step of the elevator shifting back. "I believe this is yours, Satomi San." I hold it toward her with a smile.

"Glad to see you're better." She smiles.

"Reshi is the cure." I state. "I took a shot in the dark and it worked. That's also why it didn't affect you."

"What the hell is Reshi?" Derek asks.

"It's a type of mushroom with supernatural healing benefits." I reply.

"Magic Mushroom?" He shoots an odd look.

"Helps get rid of prostate cancer too." I nod.

"Is there any in the vault?" Melisa asks.

"There should be." Satomi says. "Talia used to make tea out of it."

"It's in a jar on one of the shelves." Derek says.

"Try to call either Stilinski or Raph, just in case I don't get there in time." I say before starting toward the window.

"Be careful." Derek says.

"Ditto." I make my eyes glow before running and jumping out the window and running to the school.

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