30. Smoke and Mirrors

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I walk through the dark catacombs, trying my hardest not to lose my humanity. That's what he wants. He wants someone to screw up.

I use my telepathic abilities to the best I can to help find Scott and Kira. This would be easier if I knew what I was doing.

"Come on, I know that you're down here somewhere." I whisper making my eyes glow.

"Derek. Derek?"

I drop to my knees and scales start falling off of my body.

Banshees don't predict danger, they predict death.

Anger bubbles up inside me and I roar, everything around me shakes. Parts of the wall crumble to the ground.

"Just go save Kira and Scott."

I nod and wipe my tears away before rising to my feet. Scales cover the left side of my face as I give in to the moon, allowing my monsters to win me over. I walk on piles of bones, moving toward the sound of Scott's voice.

He's trapped somewhere, locked away. It's dark, he's petrified. His voice is echoing.

"Scott?" I whisper dragging my fingers along the walls, "Scott where are you?"

"Stiles, it's Scott," Kira's voice rings through over Scott's panic, "the Berserker, it's Scott."

I stop dead in my tracks.

That was Peter's plan, to make Liam kill Scott and take the power from Liam.

I turn and sprint through the catacombs, following the sound of Scott's thoughts. I hear a growl and push myself faster.

"Go for the eyes!" Peter yells. I go even faster and push Malia away from Scott.

"You're a sick bastard Peter." I growl, "Don't kill the berserker, it's Scott." Something pierces through my abdomen and I look down at the large bone protruding from my body. "Really Scott?" I whine and rip it out of my body. I push him back against the wall and growl, "Get out of your head and wake up." His eyes flicker before he throws me across the catacomb. My hands falls to my stomach and I squeeze my eyes shut.

Bum, bum. Bum, bum. Bum, bum.

I take a deep breath and climb to my feet. Peter stands back and watches cynically as Scott starts throwing Liam around. Kira and Stiles make it to us and Stiles looks over at me.

"Scott stop!" He yells at his friend hopelessly. Malia jumps on Scott's back and he easily tosses her aside. Liam shifts and starts fighting his alpha. A large hand surrounds his neck and slides him up the wall.

"Scott, Scott! Listen to me" Liam's hands wrap around Scott's, "You're not a monster! You're a werewolf! Like me!" Scott falters before dropping Liam and stepping back. The bones start falling to the ground and shattering one by one. Peter step forward. Scott howls as he rips the skull off of his face and then he turns to the one who bit him.

"You," Scott slowly starts stalking toward Peter, "you did this. All you've ever wanted is power." Peter shifts and takes a few steps forward.

"You stole my family's power Scott," claws emerge from Peter's fingers, "It was my bite that gave you that power, and it's my bite that will end it." He howls at Scott and Scott roars back.

A familiar howl rings through my ears and I turn and take off running. I slide to a stop in the sand and smile as Derek stands tall and crushes a berserker's skull. The pile of bones crumples to the ground and turns to dust. My hand returns to my stomach and I lean against the wall. He walks to the truck without looking at anyone or noticing anyone else for that matter, and gets dressed.

"You were dead." Braedon says as she crosses her arms.

"I evolved." Derek pulls a shirt over his head and then his eyes drift over to me. He shuts the door to the truck and walks over to me. We wrap our arms around each other and stand in silence.

Bum, bum. Bum, bum. Bum, bum.
Bum, bum. Bum, bum. Bum, bum.

"We're going to leave Beacon Hills." I whisper and squeeze him tighter.

"I planned on it." He kisses the side of my head, "We'll have to tell your dad."

"I know."


"I know."

Finstock // Teen Wolfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن