10. Full Moon

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"You weren't sick were you?" Dad asks.


"I don't care. Stay out, do whatever have fun. Just don't get pregnant. And I'm going to lock the door. I don't want to see you back until at least 3 in the morning. Party a little, be a seventeen year old, have fun.  Be careful, don't get pregnant." He says.

"Alright." I reply.

"Have fun kiddo, I better not see you until 3, better yet, stay out until noon tomorrow, it's Friday, go live a little." He states.

"I will Dad." I slightly smile.

"I love you Britt." He says.

"Love you too Dad." I say. We hang up and I half nod. "Well, looks like he can make up lies for me."

"Yeah but he also pretty much kicked you out for the night." Derek states.

"Alright, and it's also a full moon. I think it's a good thing he kicked me out." I retort.

"Are you forgetting the fact that there are assassins out there and a bounty on all of our heads!?!" He exclaims.

"No. I'm just saying I don't have to worry about shifting in from of my father." I state.

"You're an alpha, shouldn't you have control by now?" He raises an eyebrow.

"How long do you think I've been a werewolf Derek?" I ask.

"I don't know, at least long enough the learn control!" He replies.

"I've only experienced four full moons, I became an alpha about two weeks after I was bitten. I'm like Scott, just a lot stronger." I state. "I was unconscious for the other three."

"Okay so how in the hell do you manage to become a true alpha that quick?" He gives me an odd look.

"Satomi said it's because I tried to help others learn control when I had none. Because I was empathetic. She also said that I had some kind of power that's rare. That spark the makes your eyes change to red, it was already there, just waiting to shine." I say staring at my feet.

"So my mother was right." He sighs.

"About what?" I look up at him.

"About you." He says.

"What do you mean?" I step forward.

"You're not a true alpha, Brittany, you're more rare than just a true alpha, my mother, she called it something, something odd, but she knew it was you. Before the fire, when your mother still lived here, she'd always say, 'there's the one, Derek, she's the girl. She's the one with an unspeakable gift.'" He states.

"Talia, yeah, I remember your mother. She always looked at me weird, I never really understood why, but I didn't care. She told me that I was very special." I say. "She gave me a nickname, I don't remember it, but it was odd."

"Lamia." A voice says, Derek and I both turn to find Peter on the stairs. "It's called Lamia." Peter walks down the stairs. "Only happens with females though, like sirens. Strictly female. But you were always Lamia, the bite just ignited that spark into a flame."

"How do you know about it?" Derek asks.

"Because I have what he wants, what he's always wanted, power." I reply.

"That and Talia let a few things slip, and oh yeah, I have my own bestiary." Peter deadpans.

"Then you know why I don't have control yet." I state.

"You'll have control here." Peter says.

"I don't know, I almost ripped my ex boyfriend's head off last month." I hold my hands up. "Who knows what I'll do once the moon is out."

"You do realize that if both Derek and I stay in the building you can't lose control right?" He raises an eyebrow. "Lamia are basically werewolf sirens, but the mind control only works on men, even though it's man that keeps you from losing control on a full moon."

"I almost murdered my ex boyfriend. It's just a matter of if I'm in a good mood or not." I cross my arms.

"Question, do you break up before or after you almost killed him?" Peter asks.

"After, solely because I almost killed him." I reply. "He healed though, lost control, but he healed."

"He was a werewolf wasn't he?" Derek asks.

"Y-yeah." I nod.

"He's also the reason you're a werewolf isn't he?" He gives me a kind look.

"He gave his brother fifty bucks to turn me. We only lasted a few months after that. The worst part is I didn't get a say in whether I was freaking werewolf or not, and then they wouldn't even help me with control or anything." I scoff. "One hell of a boyfriend, right?"

"Damn, tragic back story. Derek tell her yours, I'm going back to my apartment." Peter say before walking toward the door. "You two kids have fun." He leaves and Derek smiles softly.

"An alpha bit my first girlfriend and I had to kill her, her body was rejecting the bite. All my other girlfriends have tried to kill me or burned my family alive." He states.

"Ouch." I say. "I only had to deal with two lunatics."

"Four, Paige was the only normal one." He slightly smiles.

"How many were supernatural?" I ask.

"Three." He replies.

"All five for me." I smirk.

"It's easier that way, isn't it?" He asks.

"Yeah, I guess. You don't have to hide that you're a monster. Because they are too." I reply.

"You're not a monster. You're a Lamia, there's a difference." He states stepping toward me. I nod.

"Yeah. There is isn't there." I slightly smile before we both lean in and our lips meet sending chills down my spine. My arms wrap around him as his hands land on my waist. We kiss again and he pulls me a little closer. His hands slide to my hips as his tongue slides across my lips requesting entry.

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