28. Something About a Plan

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I button up my high-waisted shorts over my dark green button up shirt. Sliding into my brown knee high combat boots, I begin to feel nauseous. I sit down and lace the boots up tightly. My hair dangles in front of my face like a curtain, golden waves block my view. I slide a denim jacket over my arms and throw my phone in my pocket before running downstairs.

"Where are you going kiddo?" Dad asks. I wince and turn to look at him. "And why were you in the liquor?"

"I'm going to Mexico because your star players are lost and possibly even dead. So I don't have much time to get to them and save their sorry asses." I reply before turning and going to leave again.

"You didn't answer my other question Brittany." He says sternly. I don't turn to face him, instead I glance over my shoulder.

"I'll just have to tell you that later." I state. "Now if you don't mind, I have a few lives to save."

"Quite frankly I do mind." He retorts.

"I'll tell you when I get back, I don't have the time to talk." I turn and leave the house.

"Goddammit Brittany!" He booms making me jump. "Sorry kid." He sighs and shakes his head. "I just don't want you to end up like your old man." I wrap my arms around him and sigh.

"I should be home in a few days, I don't know how long this will take." I state.

"I'll talk to you when you get home." He nods as we pull away from each other. "Go kick some ass and save lives pumpkin."

"I'll see you later dad, I love you." I sadly smile as I start to back away.

"I love you too." We nod to each other and I turn and race off. The soles of my boots pound against the pavement as my legs carry me to the lot where we all decided to meet to head to Mexico. My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket and lift it to my ear. "Yeah?"

"Where are you?" Derek asks as I take a sharp turn toward the site.

"Almost there." I reply rounding the corner of the building. I hang up as I enter. "Here." I shrug running a hand through my hair.

"So, now that everyone is here-" Peter is quickly shut down by Stiles.

"Lydia isn't here yet." Stiles interjects crossing his arms.

"She can meet us there." Peter growls.

"We can wait ten more minutes for her." Stiles leans against his jeep. "We aren't leaving without her."

"Stiles, I'm with you on this but we can't wait too long, we have to get Scott and Kira out of there." I state, "We need to try to do this without casualties." I glance at Derek and my stomach drops. "We're running low on time here."

"So we should leave, Lydia can catch up with us." Peter nonchalantly leans against the truck.

"No, we'll wait 15 minutes, if she's not here we have to leave." I walk toward Derek, glaring at Peter as I pass him.

"What's the plan with the full moon? What are we doing with Liam?" Stiles asks.

"Braeden is bringing a prison van, we can lock him in there. I'll ride with him, I have the most experience and I'm least likely to kill him." Derek replies waving his hand.

"You don't exactly have the strength to be locked in a van with a ticking time bomb." I snip leaning against the vehicle.

"Stiles is riding with us, Braeden will have a gun. It'll be fine." He shrugs.

"I still don't like this idea." I shake my head.

"Yeah, me either." Stiles scoffs. "Who's driving Rosco?"

"I guess I will." I sigh, Stiles quirks a brow. "Look it's either me or Peter."

"Oh yeah, it's you." He tosses my the keys and I effortlessly catch them. "Be gentle, he's not in the best shape, wrenches are in the glove compartment with the duct tape."

"Alright." I spin the keys on my finger.

"We have five minutes, I'm going to try to call Lydia again." He turns and walks outside.

"Malia, are you gonna be okay?" I ask looking her over.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She nods wrapping her arms around her body.

"You can ride with me, if you don't feel like putting up with Peter for 14 hours." I say with a soft smile.

"I'll be okay, thanks though." She nods. Derek grabs my hand and pulls me off to the side.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asks, I avoid eye contact.

"I'll manage." I stare at his chest, focusing on the sound of his heart.


"Don't." I shake my head. He cups my cheek and presses his lips to mine.

"I love you." He whispers resting his forehead against mine.

"Yeah, love you too." I sigh.

"Her time is up, we gotta go." Peter says cynically. I gently kiss Derek one more time and walk off quickly before anyone can see the pain.

"Let's go." I get into the Jeep as Stiles plops down in the passenger seat.

"He's dying, isn't he?" He asks softly. I start the Jeep and pull out if the building. "I'm sorry."

Finstock // Teen WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora