35. Eyes

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I walk down the hallway of the school and catch a familiar scent.

"Dammit dad." I grumble and take off towards the locker room. I jump up in the rafters as two men with rifles stalk toward two others who are weak. I drop down silently behind one of them and break his neck, slowly lowering him to the ground not to get caught.

The other man falls to the ground with a loud thud.

"Nobody messes with my star players!" Dad grumbles with a lacrosse stick in his hand.

"You're supposed be at the house, dad." I growl and glare at him.

"Annalise is fine she's climbing on the rack." He points the Lacrosse stick in her direction.

"There were TWO people in here with the intent of harming and even murdering!" I throw my hands up.

"I'd say three." One of the boys scoff.

"I will gladly break you like glow stick." I make my eyes glow and growl at the one who spoke.

"Kinky." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"Not in the mood Jackson." I switch my eyes back and the man in the floor groans as he starts to get up. I pick him up off of the floor and pin him against the locker and start to hum, "Leave Beacon Hills, never return. Sell all of your weapons and don't buy any more." I drop the man as his gun hits the floor and he leaves.

"Was killing that one really necessary Brittany?" Dad waves his hand in the direction of the dead man in the floor.

"I'm angry." I shrug and then cross my arms, "Besides I couldn't get into his head without giving myself away."

"Hi mommy!" Annalise giggles as she runs up to me.

"Hi Monkey!" I smile as I lift her up.

"Uh, why does he have lizard eyes?" She points to Jackson and he furrows his eyebrows.

"My eyes aren't glowing?" He quirks a brow.

"She can see them, she won't know what your human eyes look like without looking at a picture of you." I state and then look back at Anna, "He's part lizard."

"So he has scales too?" She cocks her head sideways.

"Too?" The boy beside nor quirks a brow. I roll my eyes before letting scales crawl up half of my face.

"Yeah, and mine are prettier." I smile before I make them go away.

"She's not wrong." He shrugs and Jackson looks taken a back, "Don't give me that look."

"He has sad eyes," Annalise cocks her head to the side, "I mean, they're blue like daddy's, but his eyes are sad."

"What you mean?" She looks back at me and studies my face before looking at him.

"You had a brother, didn't you?" She studies him, "Down please," I gently set her down she walks over to him.

"Yeah, I did." He nods and she pushes her hair out of her face and smiles, "How do you know?"

"I had a brother too," she continues studying him, "but he got sick and he was too small to get better." I quirk a brow and continue to watch closely, "You have sad eyes, but they're getting happy, like turtles in peanut butter, but they're getting happy."

"That's a new one." Dad scoffs and Annalise turns to look at him, "Don't give me that look."

"It's not new." She huffs and then sticks her tongue out before turning back to the boy beside Jackson, "My name is Annalise, but most people call me Anna, well mommy calls me Monkey because I like bananas and I climb like monkey."

"My name's Ethan and I've never been called anything other than that." He smiles at her and she beams.

"Well I'll think of something." She throws her hand in the air and lets fall back to her side, "Is daddy done beating bad guys? It's getting late."

"I'm not sure yet, but we should probably put you to bed soon." I lean against the lockers and dad looks at his watch.

"We've got about fifteen minutes until midnight. I wanna see if she turns into a gremlin." Dad smirks and she quirks a brow.

"A huh?" Her face scrunches with confusion.

"Nothing, because we are putting you to bed before we find out." I give Dad a very stern look.

"Come on bird," dad puffs out his bottom lip, "just this once."

"Dad no." I switch my eyes, "My kid, my rules."

"It would be in a controlled environment." He holds out his hand and I quirk a brow.

"She's three, she should've been in bed hours ago." Anna tugs on my shirt and I hoist her up onto my hip.

"She wanted to wait until you and Derek got back, besides you guys live in a different time zone." Dad waves his hand and I growl.

"I don't think that you're gonna win this one Coach." Jackson scoffs and shakes his head.

"I'm taking Anna back to the house and putting her to bed." I switch my eyes back and she rests her head on my shoulder and yawns, "I brought the truck."


I roll over and tiny hands dig into my shoulders, waking me up.

"Mommy hold please." Anna mutters, her eyes still closed. I smile and pull her on top of me, wrapping my arms around her. She yawns before digging her head into my collar bone. Derek's arm wraps around us and pulls as flush against him, his head falling on my shoulder. I gently kiss Anna's head before resting my head on Derek's. Her feet press against Derek's bare stomach and he flinches. His hand searches for the covers and then pulls them over us. I adjust the covers over the baby and rest my against Derek's again.

"I love you." Derek mumbles.

"You have no idea."

I'm gonna end this right here because I feel like it's nice to leave you guys with something wholesome.

The next chapter/ epilogue thingy is next and will conclude this book.

HOWEVER if you didn't read the update I posted the other day go check that out. It's literally the story part before this, it's important because it basically decides the fate of what's going to happen with this storyline.

Stay safe and dispersed- I've checked the demographics and every single one of you lives somewhere where social distancing is enforced if you aren't lying about your location- remember to wash your hands frequently, cover coughs and sneezes, try to only go out when you need to. If you need someone to talk to because the quarantine is taking a toll on you mentally, my dm's are always open and I will respond as soon as I can.

You Know Who I Am

Finstock // Teen WolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ