13. Orphans

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I sigh and grab my phone. I scroll through countless social media posts before putting my phone in my pocket. I lift up my shirt and look at my side where Violet had nicked me. I drop my shirt before shaking my head and turning to go back inside.

"That's one hell of a mark." Peter says appearing through the darkness.

"What do you want?" I ask, not bothering to turn and face him, but simply turning my head slightly.

"A lot of things. Most which include you dead or powerless, so take your pick." He replies with a smirk.

"So your family's power?" I turn and face him with a slightly smirk. "Something you would never inherit because you are a fully functioning psychopath. You see, maybe if you hadn't gone around killing everything, biting random teenagers, oh and setting Paige up to die, all knowing that you would find power somehow in the midst of it all, you could inherit your family's power. You screwed up. So now, your daughter, whom hates you and doesn't even know the truth, Scott, and your nephew, maybe even Lydia Martin, are at risk of you trying to get at their power. Well, you can't steal a true alpha's power Peter, not unless you are a beta of his making. Lydia Martin will sense when you try to anything, so just keep that in mind. About Derek and Malia, well that's a different story. Malia took her power from Corrine, and Derek's power, or at least what's left, is unreachable. It's your pick." I shrug before turning and walking inside. Bret runs toward me with his eyes glowing. I place a finger between his eyes and he crumbles to the ground.

"You're learning quick." Deaton states.

"Yeah, soon I'll be able to do it without even moving." I smile. "He got him with a pretty strong branch of wolfsbane. It moves quickly too. So I'd get it out of his system while he's still unconscious." I state walking toward Derek. He wraps an arm around me and keeps me tucked away at his side.

"Dad said they're a group of assassins called the Orphans. Mainly because they murdered their parents. But they have Violet in custody, Garrett managed to get away before they could get to him." Stiles informs.

"He's saying something." Deaton calls to our attention.

"The sun...the moon...the truth." Bret whispers, repeating it several times.

"It's Buddhist." Deaton states.

"Satomi." I say as Peter walks in.


"You're staying here, I'm not letting you go out and risk being killed." Derek demands lovingly. I smile at him.

"I love you too." I say.

"But I-"

"Shh, yes you do." I whisper before kissing him.

"I love you more." He whispers and we kiss again.

"Besides, who said I planned on going home?" I ask.

"Touché." He replies. We kiss, and kiss again, our bodies moving closer. He pulls his shirt off and I throw mine off as well. His eyes scan over me then land on my side. "You're hurt."

"It's nothing, I'm fine." I state bringing his head so his eyes are focused on mine. "It's healing." He leans his forehead against mine gently.

"You're still hurt, Brittany." He sighs.

"Derek, it's healing, I'm fine." I say softly. We kiss slowly and he pulls back with hesitation. "Look, I'm an alpha. It's fine."

"You're not a werewolf." He retorts. "You're a Lamia. There's a difference."

"Well I can't do much with the whole siren thing yet, so I'm basically a werewolf for the time being." I deadpan.

"Britt, shut up." He orders. I bite my lip and smirk.

"Make me." I tease. He grips my hips and pulls me against him, our lips connecting with force. He pushes me up against a wall and I slightly moan. He bites my lip and I gasp. Our tongues tangle and I slip my fingers into his belt loops. I unbutton his pants and he picks me up. My legs wrap around his waist and my hands tangle in his dark hair. He drops me on the bed and pins me. His lips press against my neck and I lightly bite the inside of my lip. My back slightly arches as he moves toward my chest.

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