34. Beacon Hills

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The door opens and Dad smiles holding out his arms.

"There's my girls!" I hug him with Annalise on my hip.

"Hi Dad." I kiss his cheek gently.

"And there's my only son!" He points finger guns at Derek.

"Hey Coach." Derek grabs the bags out of the trunk and shuts the door.

"Coach? That's not coach, he's Grandpa!" Annalise throws her arms up.

"He's Coach too monkey." I kiss the side of her head, "She slept most of the flight and the entire ride here from the airport. She's going to be very rambunctious."

"I can handle rambunctious, I sit in a building full of teenagers all day and I raised you."

"I wasn't rambunctious." I scoff as we head inside.

"You did have your two front teeth until you were ten, Bird." He deadpans and grabs a bag from Derek then shuts the front door.

"Mom said it was because they never developed." I sit down on the couch with Annalise still in my arms.

"No you had them for a about a month. You busted them out as soon as they had finally fully came in." He walks around the couch and puts the bag next to a random door, "You were jumping from the couch to the chair and busted your face off of the chair."

"Why didn't anyone stop me from jumping like that?" I play with Annalise's hair.

"I was at work and your mother was," he makes air quotes with his fingers, "'in the kitchen' but nothing in this house has been rearranged in about 20 years. She had a clear view of you, she just wasn't watching you."

"I not jump," Annalise pokes her head up, "I climb like monkey!"

"Yeah, fair warning she likes high places. If she goes upstairs please keep her away from windows, unless you feel like climbing out after her. If she's being suspiciously quiet, check on top of the fridge, that's where she likes to go." I kiss the top of her head.

"I can handle her." Dad shrugs and Derek laughs, "What do you not think I can?"

"No it's just that, that was the exact same thing I said when I watched her alone for the first time," Derek shakes his head, "She'll wear you out."

"I got this," Dad poses and tries to flex his arms and toss a ball at him and hit him in the gut, "why you gotta do your old man like that Bird?"

"I love you Dad." I smile before handing him the toddler, "We'll be back sometime tonight, hopefully, just make sure she's in bed asleep before midnight please."

"Does she turn in to a gremlin or something?" He smiles at her.

"She might, but we don't want to find out." Derek throws an arm over my shoulder, "Behave yourself Monkey, we'll be back soon."

"Bye!" She climbs up to Dad's shoulders and waves. I blow her a kiss before Derek and I leave.

"If this comes down to us killing something, I call first dibs." I grumble.


"Did you really think I was about to let you do this without me?" Stiles asks as Scott stands dumbfounded.

"Without us?" Derek announces our presence as I drop down onto of the Jeep.

"Hey Scotty." I wink at the alpha before jumping off of the Jeep, "Damn, I'm getting old." I wrap my arms around him and then he hugs Derek. He pulls away from Derek and furrows his brows.

"Was that a ring?" Scott quirks a brow and Derek holds up his hand to show of the wedding band.

"It's not a ring, it's a wedding band, there is a difference." Derek huffs and Scott hugs him again.

"Yeah, don't put a dent in his fragile masculinity, otherwise he'll whine about it for the next six months." I grumble as Stiles gets out of the Jeep.

"How long have you two been married?" Scott looks between the two of us.

"Since she turned eighteen." Stiles shrugs and puts his arm on my shoulder, "Derek and I work together, actually. I even saved his ass- twice."

"If I do recall correctly, I was the one carrying out of those buildings- both times." Derek deadpans and Scott looks around at us.

"So, are we ready to go kick some ass?" Scott throws his arms around us and we all stand huddled in a  semicircle.

Hyello! So I have this for you, probably two more chapters (I really need to stop saying two more chapters) I'll probably finish this last snippet of 6B in the next chapter and then maybe another chapter/epilogue.

I don't know, I haven't made up my mind yet.


You Know Who I Am

Finstock // Teen WolfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora