22. Deadmen Tell No Lies

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I crouch down on the roof and watch the city below. Lights start to shut off and jump down onto the road below. I look up at the loft and shake my head before running home. I open the door and lock it behind me.

"Dad, I'm home!" I call out. I hear a faint mumble and walk toward it. "Dad?" I keep walking and I find him on the kitchen floor, passed out drunk a bottle of whiskey beside him. "Really Dad? Ten years sober and now you fall off the wagon." I shake my head and throw the bottle of whiskey away. "Come on big guy." I pick him up and carry him on my shoulders up to his room. I lay him down on his bed and put the blankets over him. I pour him a glass of water and grab two Advil. I put them on his nightstand and walk to his door. "Sweet dreams." I mutter shutting off his light and closing his door. I walk to my bedroom and put on shorts and a baggy long sleeved shirt before crawling into bed. I hear a loud bang and sit up. I flick out my claws and slowly walk downstairs. A man sits looking through everything and I roll my eyes. I slowly walk up behind him and make my eyes glow. I tap on his shoulder and he turns around. "Boo." I say. His eyes widen and I hum my tune. "Leave, turn yourself in, plead guilty at trial if you go that far." He side steps me and leaves, closing the door behind him. "Damn, I am getting good at this!" I fist pump to myself. I turn to go back upstairs and Peter sits on the stairs.

"You said not to go back to the loft, you didn't say anything about coming here." He smirks.

"What do you want?" I sneer.

"Power and 40 million dollars." He states. I look into his eyes and hum. His pupils shrink and I smile.

"Leave, and never come near me or Derek again." He stands and starts to leave the house. I start humming again as he reaches the door. "And I want you to write down your plans to kill Scott McCall then leave them in my locker." He leaves the house and I close the door. I walk upstairs and check on Dad. He stays fast asleep and I walk back to my room. I plop down on the bed and close my eyes.

I dig my claws into the bed and take a deep breath. I tilt my head back and roar, though it turns into a scream. I scream again and I roll off the bed. I flick my head back and my vision turns completely red. I scream once more. My vision tunnels and I throw my head back, managing a distorted howl before everything ends.



"Hello?" I mumble answering the phone.

"Derek, it's Bobby, something's wrong with Brittany and she won't let me in her room." Coach says through the phone, his voice heavy with worry.

"Is she responsive?" I ask.

"Uh yeah, but not at all human. She's growling and her voice is all sorts of messed up." He replies.

"I'm on my way." I hang up and roll out of bed. I put a shirt on and slip into my boots. I grab my keys and speed off to Brittany's.  I shut off the truck and get out. I allow myself in and spend no time getting to her door.

"That was fast." Coach says.

"I may have broken the speed limit." I scoff. "Brittany open the door."

"I'm too dangerous." She growls.

"Let me in." I grab the door knob.

"No!" She roars.

"Brittany I can help you." I remain calm.

"I'll kill you just like I killed everyone else." Her claws dig into the floor.

"Trust me, you won't hurt me." I state slowly picking the lock.

"I'm not letting you in!" She snarls.

"I don't think you have much of a choice." I open the door and quickly get inside her room. I lock the door behind me.

"Go away!" She looks up at me terrified. Her eyes dark red, her fangs extended, scales on the left side of her face, blood coming from her nose, her hair dishelved  with misltoe covering the tips.

"It's okay." I hold my hands up. "I can help you." She crawls away from me.

"I don't want to hurt you." She whispers.

"You won't." I say stepping toward her. She crawls farther back.

"How do you know?" She snarls.

"Because if you were going to, you wouldn't be fighting me over it, and you would've attacked me as soon as I walked in the door." I step toward her again. "Let me help you." She let's her head hang.

"Derek, it's too late to help me. I'm pretty much dead." She says. I crouch in front of her.

"I managed to save my sister as her heart was taking it's last beats." I retort. "I can with you too." I cup her face with my hand.

"You don't have enough power." She whispers.

"I don't need it." I kiss her forehead.

"Derek, this was fun while it lasted, but there's no hope for me." She shakes her head and a tear slides down her cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb.

"I'm not giving up on you Brittany." I state as her eyes change to hazel.

"I love you." She whispers as the scales slowly fade. Her eyelids start to droop.

"Brittany keep your eyes open." I gently shake her.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles.

"Brittany keep your eyes open!"

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