33. Banana

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Four Years Later...

I push down on the top of the suit case and zip it shut. Derek walks in and plops down beside the suitcase.

"Go check on Annalise, she's being suspiciously quiet." I slide off of the suitcase and pull Derek to his feet.

"Why don't you go check on her?" His hands move to the small of my back.

"Because I'm packing for all three of us." I wrap my arms around his neck and lean up on my toes to kiss him.

"Annalise get down!" Cora yells from somewhere in the house and Derek and I sigh in unison. We go toward the sound of Cora's voice to find the three year old on top of the fridge.

"How did you even get up there?" I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I climb like monkey." She grins triumphantly.

"You're going to get hurt like that sweetie." Derek goes to reach for her and she squirms.

"No! I stay!" She pushes Derek away and slides back.

"Anna." Derek and I sigh simultaneously.

"I monkey!" She huffs defiantly.

"If you come down I'll give you a banana cookie." I attempt to negotiate with the toddler.

"Two!" She slides forward towards Derek.

"You can have one," I cross my arms, "if you would've came down the first time then I might have let you have two."

"Okay." She puffs our her bottom lip and slides over to Derek who lifts her up and sits her on hip, "Two please!" She grins and holds out her hand.

"How old are you?" Derek asks and she wraps her arms around his neck.

"One, two, three. I three." She holds up three fingers.

"I believe that calls for two banana cookies." Derek looks at me and smiles.

"I'll tell you what," I grab the box of cookies and set it in the counter, "one banana cookie and a banana."

"That's still two." She shrugs and I smile.

"You're so smart." I kiss her nose and she squirms.

"No kisses! That's gross!" She wipes off her nose on Derek's shoulder, "Down please!" Derek slowly lowers her to the ground, "Uh Mommy, can I just have a banana?"

"Do you not want a cookie?" I quirk a brow and glance at Derek.

"Nope, just banana." She shrugs and pushes her dark hair out of her face.

"Okay monkey," I shrug and hand her the banana after peeling it, "here you go."

"Thank you!" She bounces and then starts toward the living room.

"Did you check to see if she's fevered?" Derek pulls me against him, "She never turns down cookies."

"Maybe she's just nervous," I wrap my arms around his neck, "she's never left the city, let alone the country. Hell the continent!"

"Touchè," he kisses the side of my head, "I love you."

"I love you." I squeeze him tightly and he gently lifts me off of the ground, "I need to go finish packing."

"We're staying for two weeks, not two months."

"I haven't gotten anything packed Annalise yet. Our stuff is ready to go, it's miserable trying to pack for a very picky toddler." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"We still have two days baby." He lowers his head to my chest.

"I know, but I don't want to be stuck trying to do everything last minute and then forget something important."

"If you couldn't tell, she's already super stressed out." Cora pats Derek's shoulders before walking to the living room.

"What's really going on Britt?" He peers down and me and I sigh.

"I'm worried, Derek." I gaze into his eyes, "We're headed back in to a supernatural war zone. Scott needs us and we need to go help, but it's very dangerous. I'm worried about something happening to one of us or worse Annalise. I can't handle losing another baby."

"Everything will be okay. We'll keep her out of it the best that we can. She can spend quality with your dad in person for once." He runs his hand through my hair, "We won't lose her, or any more for that matter. Losing two is enough, hell one is enough. She'll be fine with your dad, while you and I go kick some ass."

"Daddy that's a bad word." Annalise huffs holding a half eaten banana, "Why mommy cry?"

"I'm fine baby." I wipe my face and crouch in front of her, "I promise."

"You want banana?" She holds her banana out in front of me.

"No, I don't want a banana. Thank you for the offer." I tuck her hair behind her ear and smile.

"Daddy want banana?" She holds the banana out toward Derek.

"I'm good Anna." He sighs and she just shrugs.

"More for me." She takes a huge bite out of it then throws the peel in the trash. She holds her arms up for me to hold her. I pick her up and hold her against me, gently kissing her head, "Uh Mommy?"

"Yes Anna?" I lean against Derek.

"I sleep with you tonight please?" She looks up at me and smiles.

"Of course you can." I nod and smile.

"And daddy can come to?"

"Yes sweetie, daddy can come to." I giggle and run my fingers through her hair.

So it's roughly around season 6B, and I'll probably write two more chapters to wrap things up.

I know I keep saying one or two more chapters but I'm going to end this soon.

So yeah, we'll see how things pan out.

You Know Who I Am

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