20. Blood Red

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I walk into the loft and lift my head.

"What did you do?" Derek asks standing up.

"I killed him." I whisper in reply. "I killed Conner."

"Okay, it's okay just take a deep breath." He says calmly.

"I killed him, Derek." I shake my head. "It's not okay because I killed someone."

"Brittany, look at me." He stands in front of me holding my head. "It's okay, we all make mistakes, we all lose control sometimes, it is okay." A tear slides down my face and Derek wipes it away with his thumb. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He scoops me up and carries me to his room. He sits me on the bed and kisses my temple before drawing a bath.

"I killed someone, how is that okay?" I ask another tear sliding down my face.

"It happens, you don't have to feel like you're the bad guy. It is okay." He replies wiping the tear away. "Come on." He carries me to tub and I start to undress. I shake my head and run a hand through my hair.

"I'm fine." I tell Derek, catching his worried glance in the mirror. "I'm fine." I say in a stronger voice, mainly to myself this time. "And you have to be an idiot, I'm already covered in someone else's blood, I'd rather not bathe in it." I pull the drain plug. "Baths are just soaking in your own wet gunk." I shrug. "You should probably go call my dad and let him know I'm okay, and that I said I owe him twenty bucks."

"You guys bet on you killing Conner." He states flatly. "Why does that not surprise me." He shakes his head and walks out.

"I love you!" I call out to his retreating figure. He chuckles in response. I get in the shower and scrub all the blood off of me. I get out and dry off. I get dressed and brush my hair.

"Your dad said to get your ass to school, and be prepared for a very long lacrosse practice." Derek states with my bags in his hands. I roll my eyes and we kiss.

"Only if you're taking me." I say.

"Don't make me the bad guy." He groans.

"I think it's obvious that my sexuality is bad guy." I scoff.

"No, it's bad boy not bad guy you have a thing for danger." He retorts.

"That depends, is your name danger?" I wink at him and throw my bags into the corner.

"Brit, your dad already hates me, don't make it worse by not going to school." He begs.

"Ugh, you're such a nerd." I grab my phone and call Dad. "Dad, do I really have to go to school?"


"But I just murdered my ex boyfriend! I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around, oh my gosh I'm sooooo dizzy." I fake.

"Okay okay, stay there with Derek, don't pass out." Dad says.

"Love you Dad." I beam.

"Love you too kiddo." We hang up and I smirk and Derek.

"Look who doesn't have to go to school now." I grin and shrug.

"What happened to the girl who didn't know how to lie?" He crosses his arms.

"I guess she found her bad boy." I put my hands up. "Fairy tale classic."

"Yeah, a lost Lamia and the werewolf who's abilities are wearing thin." He plops down beside me. "Fairy tale classic."

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