24. Guns

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I climb through the only window that opens in the school and inhale deeply trying to pick up a scent. I pull my hood over my head and walk down the hallway.

"How are you feeling Coach?"

"I'm fine."

"And Brittany?"

"She's a tough kid, she'll be fine."

I shake my head and keep going down the empty hallway.

"You have the chance to survive, and you're willing to give up your life for your friends who are going to die anyways?"

"Screw you."

"I am going to count three then pull the trigger. You can tell me where they are or die... One... Two..."

"Do you really think death scares me?"

"Three." Gunshots ring through my ears. I speed toward the sound.

"Are you okay?" I stop when I reach the room. Agent McCall stands taking off the hood of a hasmat suit. "Melisa said there's something on a shelf called Reshi,  I have no idea what she means but it's very important."

"Yeah it is." I state. "And we need to get it fast."

"How the hell did you get in?" McCall asks.

"Just tell Bobby Finstock I'm okay and if he has any questions call Derek." I reply. "Stiles we don't have much longer we need to go, now." He nods and follows me down to the vault.

"Scott open up!" Stiles bangs on the door. "Scott!"

"Scott there is a jar of Reshi on one of the shelves! It's the cure! Get the Reshi!" I flick my claws out.

"Scott, come on buddy let me in!" Stiles continues with his attempt. I place my claws in the slots and try to open the vault. My eyes start to glow and I continue to turn my wrist. "Scott!"

"Scott come on!" My voice is distorted. I pull my claws out and hum, focusing on connecting with the alpha. "Get the Reshi." I hear glass break and gasps of breath. The door slowly opens to reveal Scott and the other two.

"Thank you." Scott whispers then looks to Stiles and then they embrace.

"Are you two alright?" I ask stepping into the vault. Malia drops a crumpled piece of paper and walks out of the vault, straight past Stiles. Stiles picks up the paper and holds it in his fist.

"Dammit." He throws the wad of paper and leaves.

"I'm gonna go talk to dad, let him know I'm alive." I say before heading upstairs. I walk through a makeshift hospital and try to catch my father's scent. I smile and walk into his room. "Hey dad."

"Hey kiddo." He smiles and opens his arms. I hug him and he rocks me back and forth. "You had me scared to death."

"I'm okay, I'm alive." I whisper. "I wouldn't be if it weren't for you Dad."

"I just got you back, I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon."

"I love you dad."

"I love you too kid." He pauses. "Is this ever going to end?"

"Soon, once we find the source, we will shut it down. I will shut it down." I reply. "I promise."

Finstock // Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now