32. South America

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Two months later...

I stand in the mirror and inspect my appearance. I run my hand across my stomach and sigh.

"Stop stressing so much," Cora stands propped in the door frame, "everything is going to be fine."

"I haven't heard much of a heartbeat for a day or two." I shake my head and focus on my stomach.

Bum,bum. Bum.

"But there's still a heartbeat." She walks over and places her hand over mine.

Bum, bum. Bum, bum. Bum.

"Yeah," I slowly nod, "you're still coming with me, right?"

"Of course." She smiles and wraps her other arm around me, "Anytime Derek can't be here, I will be."

"He said he'll be back tomorrow night." I look back in the mirror and take a deep breath.

"And we can tell him all about your appointment when he gets here." She runs her hand through my hair, "I'm gonna go start on dinner, you should relax for a little bit.

Bum. Bum. Bum.

"Yeah, I'll go lay on the couch while you cook." I nod but keep my focus on the mirror.

Bum, bum. Bum, bum.

Bum, bum. Bum.

Bum, bum.

Bum. Bum.



I fall to my knees and Cora's arms instantly wrap around me as she sinks into the floor beside me. She holds my head to her chest and she runs her hand through my hair. My cries fill the building and echo off of the walls. Cora tries to soothe my pain with no avail.

"I'm sorry for your loss Ms. Finstock," Dr. Espenosa says, "We can preform the surgery as early as tonight."

"Whatever is the safest." Cora speaks up as I sob uncontrollably into her chest, "I'll call Derek after I get her calmed down."

"I'll leave you two be, I'll be back in about twenty minutes with some paperwork." Dr. Espenosa leaves and shuts the door behind her.

"It's okay Brittany," Cora gently kisses my head, "you guys can always try again in a few months or a year. Whenever you're ready."

"We should call him." I pull away from her and wipe my eyes, "I'm gonna need to call dad too."

"Okay, let's call Derek first. He should already be on his way home." Cora runs her hand through my hair before pulling out her phone.

"Hey, how is everything?" He answers almost immediately.

"Where are you?" Cora asks as I lower my head back to her chest.

"I just pulled in the driveway, why?"

"You should come to hospital. We're gonna be here for a little while." Her voice is heavy.

"Okay, I'm on my way." He pauses, "Is everything okay?"

"She lost the baby, Derek." The line goes silent.

"Is she okay?"

"I'll be fine." I reply but keep my head tucked in Cora's chest.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

"They're gonna do surgery tonight." Cora runs her hand through my hair.

"Okay." He takes a deep breath, "I love you Britt."

"I love you."


My eyes flutter open as I'm greeted by a pair or green orbs.

"Hey baby." Derek gently pushes my hair back, his other hand holding mine. I take a deep breath and lean in to his hand, "I called and talked to your dad earlier. He said to be sure that I tell you that he loves you."

"Okay." I speak in a hushed tone, "Are we staying here tonight?"

"Yeah, we can go home tomorrow evening." He nods and gently caresses my cheek.

"I'm sorry." My voice cracks and he squeezes my hand.

"It's not your fault Britt." His eyes soften, "It's not anyone's fault."

"I wanna go home," I shake my head and then drag my hand down my face, "I can't stand being this room."

"I know baby," he softly smiles at me, "I wanna go home too."

"I'm healing," I adjust my body in the bed, "surprisingly."

"At least you're healing." He shrugs, "Maybe they'll discharge you sooner."

"Lay down with me." I pat the bed and he reluctantly sits beside me. I lay my head on his chest and he plays with hair.

"I'm back." Cora announces as she walks in the room, "You're awake," she lifts a bag, "I brought clothes and I'm gonna go get food. They said you could eat when you woke up." She sets the bag down and sits in the chair beside me, "Most places are still open for another 45 minutes, I'll get you whatever you want, but you need to eat."

"Go get me nuggets please, I don't care where you get them from. I'm not gonna eat much anyways." I wrap an arm around one of Derek's.

"Get her twenty piece and a large fry," Derek scoffs, "Just get two, she'll be hungry again later and she can have I don't eat."

"I'm not gonna eat that much." I mutter leaning into him.

"So three?" Cora winks and I smile, "I'll get two twenties and a ten piece that should feed the two of you for the rest of the night, I'll go ahead and get three large fries. If you need anything else from the house just let me know, and I shall return." She gently squeezes my hand before leaving the room.

"I'm not gonna eat that much." I shake my head and Derek scoffs.

"You will." He kisses my head gently, "You know you will."

"I love you Derek." I drag my nails gently up his arm.

"I love you baby." He gently hugs me and a smile ghosts upon my face.

Hi, I'm a bitch and I like killing people. I'm not done with the book yet. Two or three chapters left maybe, idk yet.

Anyways feel free to take out your frustrations on me. More content is coming soon but so is the end of the story.


You Know Who I Am

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