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Frisk walked past some more waterfalls.They saw monster kid up ahead and decided to get closer.Chara looked down at the cliff. "Be careful I dont want you falling down there" Frisk nodded as their attention was quickly turned to monster kid who was running on slippery rock as they ran towards them. "oh god..." Chara muttered before Monster kid slipped and was hanging on for dear life. "HELP HIM!" Chara yelled.

Loud footsteps were heard approaching.It was undyne she looked mad.But she stopped as frisk pulled monster kid up with all their might.She ran away knowing Frisk just saved a monster. "Keep going" Chara hissed.

They finally came to where Undyne was.She was stood proud and tall ontop of a cliff looking down at them.

"7 souls are needed.We have 6, your soul will free us all" Chara froze.

"Wait 6???! already how long was I dead for!" undyne continued ignoring the ghost. "Long ago...YOU KNOW WHAT IM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU WHEN YOUR ABOUT TO DIE SO SCREW IT NAAGH!" She screamed before attacking Frisk.

"Here we go" Chara yelled. "LEFT....LEFT....RIGHT UP JUMP NO!!! JUMP!" Frisk ran away in fear. "GET BACK HERE!" They heard a voice yell back at them.

"GO GO GO! Go into hotland there's a door somewhere!" Chara yelled.Once they made it into hotland Undyne collapsed due to heat. "Come on" Frisk ignored their floating friend as they filled up a cup of water and poured it over the dying fish lady.

Undyne woke up and left. "Wow" Was all Chara had to say. Frisk nodded and walked back into waterfall.

"Where are you going!? THE CASTLE IS THIS WAY!" Chara yelled but Frisk ignored them again.Charas face dropped as they came into Undyne's house. "Here to make fun of me?" Undyne hissed.Frisk disagreed instantly. "No? Are you here to be besties and make frikin bracelets with me HA!" Frisk nodded and Undyne went silent. "Why dont you sit down..."Frisk did as told. "This won't go well for you....dont say i didn't warn you Frisk" Chara muttered as they sat in thin air looking around the monsters home.

"What food do you want? I got Spaghetti , Scones...Lemon Pie, soup, waffles...." Frisk was about to get up when suddenly a spear launched. "No! sit just point to it with the spear!" Frisk sat down immediately and pointed to the Spaghetti and smiled. "It might take a while to cook but just sit for now" Undyne was calm, too calm for Chara liking.

"I'm surprised you chose Spaghetti you know, Thats King Papyrus' favorite food" Frisk stayed silent and Chara nodded. "Hes not a bad guy you know, Papyrus...Hes really just a big push over with a big heart, man I remember when I asked to fight him a few years back I couldn't do it he was too strong! So he trained me! Man the look on his face when I knocked him down it was priceless.He was so proud of being beat up? I could never understand that feeling and after that he made me head of the royal guard and now i train poor suckers like I was haha!" Frisk smiled slightly as Undyne brought over the cooked pasta.

"Careful its hot, anyways wanna help me cook? SURE YOU DO!" Undyne dragged Frisk over to the cooker....

-time skip-

The house was a raging mess.It was engulfed in fire. "THAT'S IT TIME TO DIE!" Frisk jumped at the sudden ambush. "Told you..."Chara muttered. "HIT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT!" Undyne pointed a spear to the frightened human. "hit her then!" Frisk tried to hit her but only did 1 damage. "That hit...you really dont want to hurt anyone huh....well sorry about that Guess I get carried away too much huh...ill cya later human call me if you need anything BYE!" And with that Undyne was gone.

"wow you had guts to do that" Chara laughed and Frisk shrugged brushing the smoke out of their sweater. "Ok TO HOTLAND!" Chara happily marched forward.Frisk took a glance behind them and saw Flowey watching from a distance before he quickly vanished into the soil...

How strange.

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