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Frisk was invited to a party, Gaster's Party. It was his Birthday. She was quite excited. It had been a week since the whole 'Ill kill the king' incident. Chara was very impressed with Frisks sword skills.

Sans and Frisk made up and everything was fine. Frisk grabbed a skirt and a striped t-shirt to wear and put a bow in her hair. She wrapped a present she thought he might like. If she was honest she didn't know what to buy him. 

It was true he was always talking bu put Gaster in a crowd and he becomes super shy and isn't very good at expressing what he likes.

When they arrived Frisk saw a table in the hall that was decorated. She didn't know how old he was. Chara just said to say hes 11. 

She saw Chara and they worse jeans instead of their brown pants and a sweater with a shirt under it as the collar was sticking out. 

"Very fancy." She snickered. Chara rolled their eyes. "Sans made me wear it. There's other royals coming here so gotta look the part." 

Chara pointed to a cat like person wearing silken red and stood with her husband? There was a smaller cat person who seemed to be a girl dressed in a floral gown and a small tiara on her head.

"That is some royal family from France, They have their own species can you believe it?" Chara paused. "That kid is Leah, The Queen and Kings only child so they keep an eye on her." 

Frisk noticed another family dressed formally. They looked humanish.

"Okay so that is King Blake, Hes a demon kinda guy no joke, thats his wife and their two adopted sons, Kraig and Timothy." Chara stopped when they saw Gaster approaching.

"Help." He muttered. "Papyrus keeps introducing me to people." He whined.

"Happy Birthday!" Frisk smiled.

"Thanks." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Get anything nice?"

"Besides books and clothes that are too fancy and uncomfortable to wear, no." He said in monotone.

"Oh, Um here!" Frisk grabbed her gift from the table.

Gaster opened it and his face beamed with joy.

"Cool!" He smiled holding a couple of video games and candy.

"Thanks Frisk!" He hugged her earning an embarrassed squeak from her.

"No problem." She laughed.


Dinner was boring. Everyone was talking about grown up things. 

After everyone left Frisk went home.

Frisk forgot about the valentines festival this weekend. Even thought it had already ended. The festival lets you send cards to a public mailbox, everyone in the kingdom has a mailbox. Frisk didn't send one but she wondered if she got one from someone she smiled at the thought.


Today was the day, she put on pink and red. It was a cute dress and she tired to look adorable she thought she failed at it.

She walked through town and saw Chara who ended up walking to the public mailbox building with her.

She looked up at the woman at the desk and coughed. She looked down through her glasses with her claw.


"Um mail for Chara Skeleton and Frisk Dreemurr please." She asked sweetly. 

The woman went to collect some things.

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