Not What He Seems

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(song is perfect)

Frisk woke up in a black void. "AHH IM BLIND!" Chara yelled. They couldn't see a thing accept for Frisk and anything that was 30 cm away from frisk. It was all black for the ghost.But not for Frisk. "He absorbed everyone's souls and the human souls that equals 7 souls...Lets see who this idiot really is!" Chara yelled trying to blink.

Frisk walked around and came across a person. He faced away from Frisk and moved his hands.His sleeves covered them. He was wearing a black sweater with white stripes.He turned to face Frisk. He was a skeleton.

"Finally...I was so tired of being a flower!" He sighed in relief. Chara could hear him. "WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE FRISK!? IS HE UGLY!?" Chara yelled moving their hands infront of them trying to get around.

"Chara? Are you there?" He asked smiling a bit.

"WHO IS THERE SHOW YOURSELF! WHO SAID MY NAME??? WHY CANT I SEE!!!!" Chara yelled into the darkness. Whoever this person was he couldn't see the ghost. Frisk stood there confused.

"Its me, your best friend..."

He paused before showing a grin. A light flashed and he grew, he was now wearing a robe similar to Sans.He worse a silver locket, similar to Charas. He had black lines on his skull and his eyes glowed a magenta.

"Gaster Skeleton!" He laughed. Frisks eyes shot open and their jaw dropped.

"FRISK WHATS GOING ON!?" Chara yelled still blinded. Frisk closed their eyes again and coughed before bracing for attack. "WHO IS IT?" Chara yelled. Gaster shot an attack at Frisk. Chara yelped as they saw a bone fly pas them. "So Flowey is a skeleton?" Chara asked a bit calmer. Frisk looked at Chara with eyes open. Frisks eyes were a very light blue. They decided not to tell Chara that their Best friend was about to kill them....

"FIGHT!" Gaster yelled impatient. Frisk hit Mercy. Gaster shot more bone attacks and then turned Frisks soul blue. "AH!" Frisk yelped in pain as they fell to the floor with a thud. Their HP was at 5.

Everything went into a rainbow color  and things began to flash. Frisk was hit by one last bone before they fell to the floor and their HP hit 0.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Chara yelled wide eyed at Frisks 'death' and grabbed their soul and pushed it back together. Frisk was determined to end this.

"hahaha because you never give up!" Gaster laughed, he found this quite entertaining. "Come on! lets see what good your determination is against this!" He shot a bunch of bones and lightning struck frisk.

Frisk tried to reach heir save file...


Maybe they can save something else.

Frisk called out to their friends. They told them their journey and they all remembered. (tbh i cant write this battle)

"WHAT!" Chara yelled confused. Frisk clicked the save button. Frisk chose to save someone else.

A flashback appeared of Chara falling down and Gaster helping them. Chara felt tears in their eyes as this was one thing they COULD see. "what did you DO!" He yelled frustrated.He clenched his locked and shot more and more attacks.Hoping to kill the human. Frisk clicked save.

"im so...alone" He cried a bit.

Frisk clicked save.

"Chara..." He mumbled as tears fell from his sockets.

Frisks HP is now on 0.0099

"im so afraid Chara..." He whispered before everything went white in a flash.

The small skeleton stood there in his black and white sweater crying. Frisk approached him. Frisk ran towards him and hugged the small skeleton hoping to cheer him up.

"Im sorry...I was just so tired of being in that flower..." Frisk smiled. 'Its ok'

"I miss my family, Im am so sorry for everything ive done to what is youR name?" Gaster asked wiping his tears with his sleeve.


"Heh thats a nice name. I always was a cry baby." Frisk looked behind Gaster to see a struggling Chara floating around still blinded. "help!" they yelled.Frisk chuckled at Charas poor attempts.

Frisk hit mercy.

"Really after all Ive done to you, you still show me mercy?" He asked confused. Frisk nodded. "wow thats nice of you...I I guess I was just shocked that someone spared me" Frisk asked something. 'Who IS Chara' They grinned.

"my best friend, I know they are gone but...wait where did you get that locket?" He asked pointing to Frisks locket. 'SORRY! I found it, here take it I know its not mine!'  Frisk paniced.

"no no keep it, here I want you to have this one too, Soon ill turn back into a flower I wont need it" He smiled handing Frisk his silver locket. Frisk smiled back.

"Theres something I need to do" Gaster spoke before everything flashed and the souls appeared.

The barrier was broken.

"well this is goodbye....could you do me a Favor and take care of Sans and Papyrus for me?" Frisk nodded and watched their new friend walk into the darkness...

it all went white....

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