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Meanwhile else where in the kingdom two skeleton brothers began to panic. "Where are they?" Sans asked staring at the fire in silence.

"You think I know? Im just as worried as you are." Papyrus replied.

Suddenly the doors opened and a female entered. Sans looked suspicious at first but calmed down to see it was Red a member of the royal guard.She had joined a few months before Frisk had fallen down and was seen to be very good at her job of protecting people with her sword skills.

"Your majesty Prince Gaster and Chara were spotted running through town, The human seemed wounded on their right side." Red told them what other guards have said.

"W-what they are hurt?!" Sans jumped up.

"It seems something has turned Frisk against everything." Red replied.

"Thank you Red you've been a great help" Papyrus gave her a genuine smile causing the poor girl to fluster.

"I-its no problem your majesty, I best be going b-Bye!" She scurried out of the room. She left the two brothers in more silence. Sans raised his brow bone in confusion but then smirked.

"You like her." He snickered causing his younger brother to go red with embarrassment.

"Now is not the time to be teasing me about girls Sans, we need to find out where they are and if they are safe, come on."

Sans nodded and followed his brother to go look for Gaster, Frisk and Chara.




Gaster ran to Toriels house carrying Chara over their shoulder again. He banged on the door with his fist and yelled.


Sure enough She opened the door quickly and was half asleep by the looks of it.

"What do you want at this time kid? Im kinda sleepy" She yawned.

"Its Frisk!"

Toris eyes went wide and she pulled the two children into her and Asgores home and locked the door.

"What happened to you?!" Toriel shrieked when they saw Chara bleeding from their side.They were pale and almost at death's door, again.

"P-please you need to help u-us Frisk I dont know what happened but they they've-" Gaster had already cut himself off with tears as the young skeleton began to cry and panic.

"Whoa hey calm down lil kid its gonna be okay. Lets fix up this human before we talk about the other okay?" Tori patted Gasters back and he nodded wiping his magenta tears with his sweater sleeve.

Tori used some magic to try to heal the wound Chara had taken a hit from. Their HP went from 5 to 37 in minuets.

"It wont cure you but it will stop the bleeding and further damage."

"Thank you, I really dont deserve it." Chara muttered.

"Now you two tell me whats wrong with Frisk." Toriel asked and the two went silent.

behind them Asgore had hopped onto the couch to watch TV and the news channel flashed on with full volume causing the others to came to watch.

'Breaking News ambassador Frisk has went crazy upon the town of monsters slashing anything that comes near, Two children Chara and Prince Winding Aster are also missing in the Chaos. The royal Guard have sent a search party and advise all monsters to lock their doors from Frisk until the situation has been handled'

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