I do not belong so This is Goodbye...

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This is literally 2400 words omg enjoy ^-^

Frisk had to tell Sans and Papyrus why their brother didn't return. And boy they were not angry they were furious. Papyrus was worried sick of what those humans could have done. And Sans, he couldn't even look at Frisk without glaring. Frisk ended up not speaking to them from guilt. Papyrus was a little more forgiving. 

Frisk sat in their bedroom in Tori's house. Toriels and Asgore still loved Frisk to death. Toriel tried to explain that Frisk tried to stop Gaster from going but Sans was having none of it. They argued and Toriel's attempt only made things worse for Frisk.

Frisk was banned from seeing Chara who now was limited to roaming the castle grounds. They were alot more understanding and knew Frisk had nothing to do with it.

Days had gone by and Frisk was sobbing into her pillow.

A knock came from her door.

"Go away Asgore I'm not in the mood." She sobbed between shaking breaths.

"Can I not come in?" A voice asked gently. Papyrus walked into the doorway. Frisk looked up and sobbed harder when she saw the skeleton.

She remembered Sans screaming at her in rage and Papyrus telling him to calm down as Frisk was only but a child. Sans even threatened to get Frisk put in the 'dungeon' (castle cells) when she tried to apologize and explain. 

Papyrus entered the room and turned on the light. His eye sockets widened. Frisk had torn her room apart in a fit/temper tantrum. The walls were slashed. It looked like a beast had been let loose along with a tornado.

"Frisk, what happened in here?" He gasped.

"Why w-would you care." Frisk cried hugging her pillow.

"I do care about you Frisk..."

"You dont! You dont, you dont!" She yelled as she blocked out any sounds with her hands to her ears like it was painful to listen.

"I honestly do. I'm sorry for the way I acted and for Sans' actions, we're just worried."

"Its my fault!" Frisk sobbed.

Papyrus sighed and sat next to her and gave the small human a hug trying to calm her down.

"Its not your fault I know what Gaster is like, hes went to the village before. I promise you, I do not blame you so you shouldn't blame yourself either." He tried giving her a smile but she didn't respond.

"... Ill get him back." Frisk muttered looking at the floor. Their eyes flashed red for a second.

"Now Frisk promise me you wont go there. I cant guarantee that the humans will be accepting of a 'traitor' who let monsters free eh?" Papyrus leaned down to her level.

"Last time I checked you didn't care what happened to me." Frisk sneered but put her hand to her mouth in realization of what she said.

"Im sorry!" She burst out.

"Its...fine. Just leave it to me Ill get him back." Papyrus stood up and headed for the door.

"Thats if hes not dead." Frisk mumbled, Papyrus heard and froze. He sighed and walked out of the room leaving Frisk alone.


Meanwhile Chara was locked in their room. They tried to escape but each time guards caught them or Sans did and scolded them. His mood had went from chill to complete insanity and strictness. 

Chara stared out their window. Looking at the mountain where the kingdom was. Where Gaster was. They sighed in frustration, grabbed a knife and threw it at the door making a dint in the wood. 

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