The body

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Frisk went out to Mt Ebbot straight away and carefully climbed down into the cavern. They used the torch to look around before grabbing the bag and shovel. Where is your body? They asked chara who looked confused. "I don't know for sure but I know that sans took my body and buried it here,i heard him and Papyrus argue over  taking my body in one of their many arguments". Chara pointed around the room where they fell down. Frisk looked at the golden flowers and smiled. These Have to grow on the surface and they have been here for at least 100 years right? Chara nodded. So that means that something or someone must have came back with the seeds on their clothing and maybe get buried here to create the flowers!. Chara looked confused but shrugged. "Makes sense I guess" they replied floating to the flowers. "Could explain why I woke up here" they added as Frisk stuck the shovel into the flowers and begun to dig up the ground.

Frisk was digging for a while as their little body wasn't used to digging up bodies, I don't think anyone's body would be used to that. Frisk dug until they hit something. "What?! What is it!" Chara asked excitedly. Frisk removed the dirt on what seemed like a wooden box or...coffin. Frisk used all of their strength to drag the box out of the ground and into a clearing. "Open it" chara instructed.

Frisk hesitated but opened the coffin. Inside sat a lifeless body. Pale skin, white as snow. Short maroon-ish hair. No skin has decayed. They wore a light green and yellow stripes jumper. They slept peacefully in the box. "It's me" chara mumbled. Frisk hesitated but poked Chara's face causing it to move. "Really...I'm here I ain't gonna jump up and kill you!" Chara laughed. "Come on get my body in the bag and let's move. Frisk picked up the dead body and stumbled backwards before carefully placing it in the bag. Your so heavy! They complained. "Whatever!" Chara snickered.

Frisk noticed a shiny knife on the ground with a golden must have called our of Chara's coffin as frisk moved the body. "My real knife, take it" chara mumbled. Frisk grabbed the bag and slowly but carefully made their way up to the surface.

Time to go visit alphys.

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