.Its all my fault.

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A human tackled the skeleton before they were slashed with a sharp knife.

"AH!" Chara screamed as they fell to the floor bleeding from the wound 'Frisk' had just given them. But they managed to push Gaster out of the way of death which was a good thing.

"aW wHAt a sHaME, I MiSSEd HAhaHAHah" Frisk cackled, this wasnt Frisk, this was hatred playing with Frisks body as if it was a puppet; Frisk laughed more and grinned at the sight.

By the time Frisk could turn to attack Gaster again he was gone.

"WhAT!? WhERE DId HE gO?" Frisk screamed in fustration.Frisk spun around and Chara had also vanished.

"Grr I WiLL GeT yOU, BoTH  oF YOu!" And with that Frisk vanished into the shadows.


Gaster ran as fast as he could as he carried Chara over his shoulder. They were losing alot of blood and he wouldnt let them die not this time or ever again.

"Ow Gaster slow down you running too f-fast!" Chara whined painfully.

Gaster stopped in the forest below MT Ebbot and lay Chara down against a rock.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Pfft Does it hurt? Your seriously asking me this!? OF CORE IT HURTS YOU BONE HEAD!" Chara yelled. Gaster flinched and stepped back.

"Sorry, I yelled."

"Its fine, here put this on it might stop the blood." Gaster handed Chara a ripped peice of cloth that seemed to come from his under shirt/vest.


"Now are you going to tell me why Frisk suddenly went all genocide on me or are you going to leave me in the dark like last time." He asked with a stern face.

"Hatred got ahold of Frisk and is possessing her body, to destroy humanity and monsters...I couldnt stop her and now she has Frisk!" Chara weeped into their hands.

"Hey its okay we'll fix this I promise!" Gaster hugged his friend tightly keeping an eye socket out incase Frisk had caught up to them.

"Fix this? Its my fault to begin with if I hadn't have trusted hatred then we wouldnt have- nevermind"

"Wouldn't have...?" Gaster asked.

"Nothing I said forget it."

"Tell me Now" He glared at the human with a monotone expression.

"H-hatred was the one who set those humans onto you all those years ago, shes the reason you died im s-so sorry!" Chara cried more.

Gaster on the other hand looked fine with it. "Your not mad?" Chara asked confused.

"Corse Im not, sure im a little fustrated that a shadow was the reason of my downfall and the reason I became a husk of determination mixed with a flower but thats in the past im okay now." He paused. "Especially since you saved me back there..." He muttered.

"Its the least I could do." Chara replied.

"No, you almost died again  and for what? To save MY life?" He stared at the human and stayed silent until Chara spoke up.

"Corse your my best friend and we will fix this right?"

"agreed, c'mon its not safe here lets go somewhere better." Gaster picked Chara up and helped them walk to their new destination.

Mission: Find Toriel.

                Avoid Frisk....

Thanks for reading and omg we almost to 2000 read like whaaaat  tysm for reading this crappy story lol:D

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