King Papyrus

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Chara floated nearby as Frisk walked out of the room they just had a dance off in.Frisk wasn't bad at dancing considering they always kept their eyes shut. Then at that moment Alphys came running out. "WAIT!" She yelled. Chara and frisk turned around. Alphys was a wreck. "You cant go home...I lied...To cross the barrier...A humans soul isn't strong enough on its own you need a monster soul with it, same with a monster soul, they'd need a human soul." Chara's eyes widened in realization.How could they forget? the reason why they died in the first place!? "So you'd have to kill him, if you want to go'd have to kill King sorry" And with that she ran off.

"keep going..." Chara muttered and Frisk looked back before entering the lift what lead straight to the castle. Out of no where monsters started appearing. "careful...they might attack" Frisk nodded and looked around the castle. "Hey! go in that your left! yeah that one!" Chara phased through it. As Frisk opened the door it was a children's bedroom. Two beds, a toy box, two dressers and in the middle of the room sat two gift boxes.

"My old room..." Chara sighed. "Oh boy is it good to back!" Chara did fun flips in the air and looked around. Frisk opened one of the dressers and looked inside. One dresser had light yellow and light green striped sweaters in and the other had black and white sweaters in. "wait...those gifts they were there when I was alive? why hasn't he opened them yet?" Frisk looked puzzled. 'Who hasn't opened them yet?' They asked in sign language. "Nobody you'll meet them soon, cant be that far!" And at that sudden moment Frisk looked at the small picture that sat on a dresser and saw two characters in the frame. A small skeleton and a human...The human looked an awful lot like Chara when they were alive. Frisk realized that Chara's friend was indeed dead... How will they tell them??

Frisk looked at the gift boxes that both were addressed to Chara. "Open them, you might as well since I cant!" They giggled. Frisk opened one, A worn out dagger sat inside. "Hey my old combat knife! that will come in handy for real self defense." Frisk equipped the worn dagger. Frisk then then moved onto the other gift... A golden heart locket sat inside. "my locket...the one...he gave me" Frisk suddenly had a wave of guilt fly over them. Frisk did not equip the golden locket. "Hey no! Equip it! it has 99 defense!" Frisk nodded and equipped the locket.

They moved on-wards to the throne room. In the middle stood a tall skeleton. He wore a golden crown. His cape was a reddish orange and he stood there watering the flowers. "Papyrus!" Chara smiled. But still like the others he could not hear them. Papyrus froze when he saw Frisk. Frisk was so small and fragile. He did not want to harm them.  "Hello human, I erm well this is awkward...." He laughed to himself. Frisk gave him a warm smile and waved. Papyrus saw that they truly did not want to harm anybody and he was filled with guilt. "I really want to offer you some spaghetti but you know what we must do..." Frisk looked down. "Follow when you are ready" He said before walking off.

"Dont worry Frisk, Papyrus is a big push-over he wouldn't harm a fly I can assure you" Frisk smiled. As they walked Chara noticed some stairs that lead down. "go down ive never been down there before" Chara floated downwards, lighting the tunnel up with their ghostly aura.

Frisk reached the bottom and turned on the lights. They both were mortified... There in the middle of the room sat 7 coffins made for humans. Each had a heart on with a specific color on it. "Its as comfy as it looks" Chara muttered as they gripped their shoulders. Frisk opened the determination one and it was empty...They opened the green soul one and they were going to puke.In the coffin sat a dead human child...they looked slightly older than Frisk, round about 10 years old. "Oh my bloody god..." Chara was silent from then on as they shut the coffin and walked to the barrier room.

As Chara floated on ahead Frisk opened the locket and saw a picture of the little skeleton and Chara. The skeleton had his? His arm  was around Charas shoulder and they were both smiling. On the other side it said 'Best Friends'...Now Frisk felt guilty.

They entered the Barrier room, and was greeted by Papyrus.

"Here we go..." Frisk mumbled so quiet no one heard them. Talking was their little secret.

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