Meeting Hatred.

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The next few weeks went by and Frisk was loving every minute of it.Today was the annual festival. It was going to be bigger than ever. Since all monsters are on the surface there would be loads of room to celebrate.

Soon as the alarm went off Frisk was the first in the entire castle to wake.She jumped from her bed and ran to get dressed and finally brushed her hair down.Only to turn around to see Gaster and Chara crawling out of bed.

"Im dying..." Chara groaned.

Frisk ignored their lazy attitudes and walked to breakfast. They had pancakes. Today was going to be perfect.


Time skip 2 hours


Frisk walked around the town center with Gaster and Chara and Toriel since she had volunteered to walk with them.It was like any other festival but so different in a way. There were rides, food and candy everywhere.

"Okay what are you three gonna do?" Tori asked hands in her pockets.

"Um" Chara hummed backing towards the candy stand.

"Well guess thats my answer huh? Have fun then il be waiting by the mirror maze if ya need me!" Then she was gone.

"Remind me why she asked to watch us?" Chara asked. The others shrugged.

Frisk decided to let them have some catch up time while she went to explore. That left Chara and Gaster with over 100 gold each to spend, alone. What could go wrong? They both ended up buying the entire candy stall and eating it.

Some time had passed before the two felt like being sick. They slouched against a rock and groaned. Charas stomach turned over multiple times and Gaster just sat there wondering why he agreed to eat that much candy.

Chara looked across towards the mirror maze. Their eyes widened. They saw a black figure watching them with a sinister grin. They shook their head and it was gone.

"Must be all the candy I ate." They muttered.

"What?" He asked.

"hm? Nothing.Thought I saw something-" Chara saw it again but going into the mirror maze.

"THERE COME ON!" Chara grabbed her little brother and dragged him to the maze.

"Wait! You probably just imagined it." He yelled as he was dragged by Chara.

"It was real I know it."

"You were probably on a sugar rush to even know what was real."

"No! I saw it, It went in there!" Chara yelled running into the mirror maze.

"This cant be good." Gaster muttered before following the human into the carnival ride.


10 seconds later


"CHARA! where are you!?" He yelled. He was now completely lost.

"Over here!" They yelled back. It was no use they lost eachother. "Look, just turn back around and leave I wont be long." They yelled. Hearing their voice echo across the maze made them shudder.

Chara walked around endless corridors and corners looking for what they saw. "I know your here, show yourself!" They yelled. Nothing. Did Gaster leave? Hopefully. If Chara finds what they think they saw it wasn't going to be pretty.The end of the hallway of mirrors got darker and more suspicious.

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