Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

Killian and I were driving along and things seemed better then when I was around Neal. Killian was sweet and nice to a woman he didnt really even know.

"Love Im gonna stop and get some food. You hungry?" Killian asks.

"Yeah I can eat." I say.

"Drive-through food or like a restaurant?" He asks.

"Im not picky." I say.

"Okay. Theres a diner right up the road we will stop there." He says.

"Yeah okay." I say.

We stopped at the diner and sat down in a booth and I noticed all the girls in the dinner were looking at Killian.

"What can I get you?" The waitress asks.

"Some water for now." Killian says.

"I'll have an iced tea." I say.

The woman looked at me and then at Killian and something just felt weird. Like, Like I wanted to hit her.

"So I have only known you for about three days now and I think I can honestly say I dont think you will kill me." Killian says.

"Yeah I wont. So are we just gonna drive to Portland or can we stop and cite see till we get there?" I ask.

"Oh cite see sounds fun. We can do that. Well lets see right now we are in Pennsylvania. What route would you like to go. Up or Down?" He asks putting the map in front of me.

"Well if we go up we hit Ohio and other upper states and if we go down we hit the lower states. How about we flip a coin?" I suggest.

"Okay. Heads we travel north. Tales we travel south." He says.

"Sounds go." I say.

He took a quarter out of his pocket and flipped it. We watched it go into the air and then land on the table. We both looked down and saw what it landed on.

"Well its Tales. The lower route we go." He says.

"Cant wait." I say.

We talked the rest of the time about places we wanted to see and places we wanted to go. You know what I think this is going to become a good friendship between Killian and I.

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