Chapter 12

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Killian's POV

I decided to call my father and talk to him and see if he would like to see me again. Emma was watching me on the phone.

Phone Call.

Killian: Hey Dad its me.

Brennan: Yes. Hello son.

Killian: Hey umm look I know I left, but I think it would be nice to see you and the others.

Brennan: Yeah that would be nice since you left without any warning.

Killian: How is everyone?

Brennan: You will know when you come visit us next Saturday in London.

Killian: Yeah there is more. I wont be traveling alone.

Brennan: I didnt know you and Milah were back together.

Killian: No actually I have a new girlfriend. It was her idea for me to come and see everyone.

Brennan: Well then bring her. I will see you next week.

Killian: Alright bye.

End Phone Call.

"See that wasnt so hard now was it." Emma says.

"Nope and he seemed very excited to see you." I say.

"Well thats nice, but how come you looked sad for a second?" She asks.

"Oh yeah before I take you to meet everyone next Saturday in London. You should know I that left them without a goodbye. I just took off thats when my father and brothers went back to London." I say.

"Why didnt you tell them goodbye?" She asks.

"I had to just go and Im sorry I didnt tell you the truth." I say.

"Thats okay. At least you told me now instead of me hearing it somewhere else." She says.

"Hey Im sorry for my weird behavior the other day. I really didnt mean to be rude to your friends and your mother." I say.

"Thats okay. This morning while you were sleeping in they already were talking about how they might not know you yet, but how they already like you more then Neal." She says.

"I promise I'll be better." I say.

"Well tomorrow that all want to go to our old hang out. You wanna come?" She asks.

"Yeah. I would like that." I say.

"Good." She says and kisses my cheek.

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