Chapter 13

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Emma's POV

Today Killian was willing to come with me to my old hang out along with my friends. Oh is he in for a fine ride.

"Swan what is this place?" Killian asks.

"Its a carnival. Well its an abandoned carnival. It used to be my father's place before he left. It used to be an all year long carnival when ever I was sad or mad or happy or any mood really he would bring me here. Now this is what is looks like." I say.

"It must have been something. Hey what did happen to your father?" He asks.

"Wrong door to open." August says.

"We will be over there." MaryMargaret says.

"Emma..." Killian says.

"Sorry. Well you see the property belongs to my mother it was giving to her by her father. Anyway she let my father build this place and she pays the rent to keep it from getting taken away." I say.

"I didnt ask you that. I asked about your father, but now Im not sure I should have." He says.

"He was my best friend. He and my mother were happy. Then when my grandma his mother died he lost it. He just stopped being my dad and stopped being a husband. He ended up just firing everyone that worked here. He closed the gates for good. He then took all the money he was saving in the carnival safe. He came home he handed my mother the property papers. He handed me the key to the lock and we never saw him again." I say.

"Oh Emma Im so sorry." He says.

"Yeah its alot to take on when your 8. That was 14years ago Im over it. He is still out there though. We get letters and notes and presents on holidays and birthdays. We just never see him. We dont know where he is." I say.

"Emma thats terrible. Im so sorry." He says.

"Dont be my father made a choice to leave me and my mother. You know my friends think that is why I dated Neal in the first place. He made me feel wanted and when he wanted to leave and asked me to come.. Well they think its because I didnt want to be pushed away again." I say.

"Well Emma, I would never hurt you ever. Look Im glade you shared it with me. Now shall we go get your friends and go somewhere else." He says.

"Why you scared?" I ask.

"No! Its just cold." He says.

"Okay. We can go." I say.

I take hand and we looked all over the carnival space and finally found my friends. Though I was confused was Killian afraid of this place or does he have a secret that this place reminds him of? Huh uhh this man is so mysterious that it makes me crazy, but in a good way though.

 Though I was confused was Killian afraid of this place or does he have a secret that this place reminds him of? Huh uhh this man is so mysterious that it makes me crazy, but in a good way though

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(The Carnival Opened)

(The Carnival Abandoned)

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(The Carnival Abandoned)

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