Chapter 20

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Killian's POV

Emma and I were finally on good terms and it felt like everything just fit. She loves me and I love her. What more do we need.

"Come on Killian lets go to my father's carnival." Emma whines.

"Fine lets go love." I say.

We got there and Emma was holding my arm as we walked down the old MaineStreet of the carnival.

"Hey Killian?" Emma asks.

"Yeah love?" I question.

"Im thinking about going to business school. Just so I can run this place." She says to me.

"Thats so cool love. I know you can do it." I say.

"Thanks handsome." She says and kisses my cheek.

"You know if you need any help I would love to help." I say.

"I love that you want to help, but I think this is one thing Im gonna have to do on my own." She says.

"Understandable." I say.

"Hey Killian. When we came here the first time you were acting weird. Can I ask you why? Also when I was with you in London where was your mom?" She asks.

"Oh that." I say.

I took a deep breath and looked right at her and she placed her hand on my cheek.

"Hey its okay. Talk to me." She says.

"I was at a carnival with my mom when I was little and it was getting late and these men were following us. They were touching my mother and they shoved me to the ground. My mother saw one kicking me and she got away from the others, she knocked him off me, and told me to run. The next time I saw my mother was at her open casket funeral. I didnt help her I couldnt. Thats when I promised myself that I couldnt have anyone else hurt because of me again." I say to her.

"Oh Im so sorry, but it wasnt you fault." She says and hugs me.

"Thanks love." I say.

Emma and I walked back to her mother's house when some guy was on the porch.

"No! You leave!" Emma yells and hides behind me.

"Emma please." The guy says.

"Love? Who is this?" I ask.

"Neal." Emma says.

"Emma wait dont do this." Neal says and steps closer to her.

"Dont you touch her. Get out of here. She doesnt want you anywhere near her and neither do I." I say blocking Emma.

"Its her choice not yours." Neal says to me.

"I want you to go away and never come back. I hate you." Emma says to him.

She tries to walk past him, but he grabbed her arm. I then punched him in the face and got Emma inside her house. I would never let anything happen to her.

3weeks later.

"Its gonna be okay love. Im so sorry." I say to Emma.

I held her in my arms and started crying. What am I to do now? She is hurt and its all my fault.

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