Chapter Two

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Chapter Two
Ben knocked on the door of Poe Dameron , ready to pick up him and head out to school.

It was the first day back and he was more than ready to get back into the swing of basketball, student council and scoring with girls.

The door opened and Ben saw Poe's kid step sister , Rey.

"Where Poe ?" Ben asked.

"Bathroom... POE YOUR NERD FREIND IS HERE !" She yelled up to the stairs . "Come in" she said.

Ben laughed "nerd friend ?" He asked taking a seat on the couch.

"It's a thing" she smirked , folding her arms over chest.

"Why are you back in town anyway ?" He asked.

Recently Rey had been living in London with her aunt, to go to some all girls school .

"Dad and mom wanted me home ... more like they wanted more help at the restaurant" she said .


"Hey... sorry you had to deal with the brat" Poe said as he came down with wet hair and jeans with some shirt.

"It's all good" he said as they two walked up the stairs .

Ben turned to look over at the 16 year old girl who was currently in the kitchen , cleaning up the coffee pot and the bowl of cereal in the sink.

She had grown since he had last seen her . He sighed , she kinda got hot.

Was that weird ? That's his best friend little sister , kinda like his own little sister.

But if there's on good thing about England it's they like their carbs , meaning she's gained weight. No longer the 95 pound 13 year old but now a well rounded 16 year old .

Her hips were fuller and her breast were rounder . Her stomach was sleek and soft and her baby fat in her cheeks had disappeared .

"So does Rey need a ride or -" Ben asked as Poe began to slip his shoes on.

"Nah, dad bought her a car as a selling point to come back to the US" he said .

Poe Dameron and Rey Kenobi were step siblings who drove each other nuts .

Poe's father had passed away and Rey's mother had killed herself when she was younger.

Her father and his mother fell in love and where married when Rey was 5 and Poe was 7.

"There's this party on Corellia ... just the island over , we should go" Poe said "new chick ... new tits" he smirked.

"You're sick... but I don't wanna be a fuck boy so I'll go" Ben said and Poe smiled .

"Lets go and check out some chicks -" Poe said grabbing his bag.

"We have school genius" Ben laughed and they walked out the door of his room.

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