Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

            They were sleeping, it was freezing cold and they where huddled close together .

Ben had told Han of the freeze and an electrician was coming soon to fix the heat for the young couple but until then they had to deal.

"Shhh" Rey held a baby in her arms , it was fussing around . "Daddy will be home and everything will be okay" she said .

The door opened and Ben walked through , he was different. He wore a university sweatshirt and a pair of jeans "how was the baby?"

"Good" Rey said and gave him his child . "How was class ?"

"Good ! Professor Aaron's is doing an aboard thing in France and he's invited me to go, I said yes" Ben said.

"Without talking to me first?" She asked.

"No" he laughed "sweetheart its cute you think you have an opinion but your just my wife" he smirked.

"What?" She asked .

"Honey you're my wife and the baby's mother ... that's all you'll ever be, quit with the acting like you want more ... we both know you don't"

"Ben I don't -"

"What's for dinner ? He asked walking to the kitchen "you haven't made anything yet ?" He asked angrily.

"I-" she began and Ben slapped her across the face.

"You have the job of stay at home wife ! You cook, clean and take care of the baby ! That's it ! Don't you ever have it that I come home to dinner not being made you understand me?" He said holding onto her hair .

"Yes !" She cried "I understand !"

"Good" he threw her down and she fell on the tile "cook something or else damnit !" He said .

She looked at the kitchen and sighed . Ben walked towards her and began unbuttoning his pants "first you take care of this"

"Stop ! Please don't ! Please ! Stop no !- please ! Stop !"

She was shaking "Rey ?" She looked up . The room was lit by the light on ben's bed stand , she was in pajamas and he was shaking her . "Rey are you okay?"

"I ... I had a bad dream" she said.

"I'm sorry" he said rubbing her shoulder "what happened ?"

"The baby was born ... and you where going to France to study abroad and ... I didn't make dinner and you yelled at me , and slapped me and pulled me by my hair and said don't ever let you come home to no dinner again or else " she sobbed "and then ... you undid you pants ... and we're about to force yourself onto me" she sighed .

"Rey" Ben said and brushed some of her hair back "you know if I were even to think about studying aboard I would discuss it with you, and I would never hurt you or try to rape you Rey" he said .

"It was just so real" she sobbed.

Ben held her in his arms , her face in the crook of his neck and he rubbed her back "I know... shhh" he said .

She cried harder and he just rocked her as if she was a baby, "did you at least see what the baby looked like ?" Ben asked.

"No... I couldn't it... it was crying" she sniffles .

"I promise you that will never happen ... okay ? Now let's get some rest, we have class in the morning okay?" He said and she nodded .

She laid down with her body pressed against his , and she held onto him as she silenced her sobs softly.

"It's gonna be okay"he said pressing a kiss to her hair . "I promise "

Going to see Beauty and the Beast I hope I don't start shipping stuff ...


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