Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Ben woke up to Rey curled around his arms, Olivia was on her lap and talking to her.

Some baby show was playing on the television. Rey was making faces at Olivia .

"Dadee !" She said reaching her arms out to Ben .

Rey let her fall to her father and then curled closer to Ben . "Good morning baby" he said and kissed his daughters cheek.

"Dadee !" She giggled and began to play with his nose .  Rey gently pushed her hair down .


While Ben got coffee on Rey gave Olivia a bath and then dressed her for the cool weather . It was to rain that day at the park so she wanted her to be extra warm.

She dressed her in one of the cute blue  sweaters with Alice on it and a pair of warm leggings . A nice thick pair of socks and booties .

Their daughter had enough hair to do a small ponytail on the top of her head and let the rest fly free , Rey topped it off with a blue bow to batch her sweater .

She was in her stroller with a pacifier in her mouth as Rey double checked the baby bag .

Ben kissed Rey's cheek and told her to get dressed while he got her blanket and baby bag.

Ben was dressed in a thick black jacket and a t-shirt with Spider-Man symbol on the chest as well as jeans and tennis shoes .

Rey come out of the bathroom dressed in a cute grey Disney sweater , a pair of dark jeans and boots on. Her hair was slight curled and she was wearing more makeup than usual .

Her lips were a rosy color and her cheeks had a highlight . Ben kissed her cheek "you look beautiful... ready?" He asked grabbing his phone and wallet.

Rey nodded and put the baby bag under the stroller and then grabbed her small backpack .


The second they got in the park Leia grabbed the stroller and shooed Ben and Rey off .

They smiled and walked off to do their own thing and go on some rides .

They were in Fantasy Land and they were looking at the stuffed animals .

"Look" he said showing her a small dumbo stuffie . "She'd like it huh?" He asked .

"What about this one ?" She said holding up a small Winnie the Pooh that was baby soft.

"Okay that one" he smiled and they walked to the counter to purchase the toy.


Rey and Ben had so much fun going on fast rides and making out in line , mainly because they had no baby to bother them or Leia to make them uncomfortable.

"Is it fast?" She asked as they were about to go on .

"You'll love it sweetheart" he smiled and then they climbed in their seats .

He helped her buckle in and kissed her cheek. "It's gonna be fun" he said .


The ride was over and he and Rey were walking hand in hand out of the ride .

It was a perfect day, in fact they forgot they had a baby till they saw Leia outside the ride pushing the stroller with Han next to her .

The baby cried and Rey's material instincts kicked in and she stopped Leia .

Olivia reached for her mother and Rey picked her up . Olivia curled herself into Rey's head .

Ben kissed his daughters head and then thanked his mom "its nearly lunch ... lets all eat?" He said.

"Sounds good to me" Han said as Ben started or push the stroller .

Rey held Olivia in her arms and the little girls cries calmed , she missed her mama ...

Ugh ! I fuckinh hate school ... part of me is saying to drop out and just marry rich but the other half is saying to make your family proud and go to college .


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