Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Rey and Ben sat down at their table , the guests were at their owns talking and laughing amongst themselves.

"Looks like who have a new Mrs.
Solo" Leia said as she kissed Rey's cheek. Rey smiled nervously and took a drink of her water.

"Mom are you and dad gonna dance ?" Ben asked changing the subject.

"Soon ... after you to do" she smiled .

"Oh ... I'm really dizzy and stuff from the baby" Rey lied . "I'm just gonna sit"

"Oh... you hear that ?" Han said "be gentle tonight" he said to Ben .

"Dad no -" Ben began.

"Come on Han lets go see Chewie" Leia said grabbing her husband's tie.

"Sorry about them" Ben said as soon as they where out of sight.

"Yeah" Rey said poking at the salad in front of her with her fork.

"You okay ?" He asked.

"I told you dizzy" she said "cause of your kid" she added and he went to his own food.


About three hours later the party was full of life . Ben was dancing with his little cousins, the two twin girls trying to swing dance with him. Poe and Jessika were dancing together and her father was dancing with her cousin .No one has asked her to dance, not even Ben.

"You okay?" Jessika asked taking a seat next to her.

"My own father hasn't asked me to dance" she sighed "at my own wedding"

"He's ... he's different" Jessika sighed and rubbed her shoulder.

Rey looked down at her hands "I'm gonna use the bathroom ... I'll be right back"

She got up and walked past her father and her family and walked to the bathroom .

Rey stepped inside, locked the door and slid down on the ground as she cried in her hands .

It could be anything , the wedding the marriage the baby or the fact she was now Ben Solo's wife and soon to be mother of his child.

She ran a hand through her curls and then stood up . She wiped the tears and makeup off her face in the mirror and walked out.

"Rey" it was Ben .

"Oh... I was just in the bathroom" she said .

"They want us to cut the cake ... ready?" He asked .

"Yeah . Oh " she said as she took a step .

"You're feet must be killing you huh ?" He asked.

"I'm fine ... let's just cut the cake"


"Okay now where gonna get the newlyweds out here and do their first dance as man and wife" the DJ said and Rey looked at Ben . He offered her his hand .

She took it and he lead her to the dance floor and they began to do a slow waltz.

"You okay?" Ben asked as they danced.

"Fine... dizzy and my feet hurt" she said .

"Take your heels off then" and she sighed . She kicked them off and then Ben grabbed her by the waist and put her bare feet on his covered ones.

Slowly they danced, she put her head in the crook of his neck as they waltzed.

Ben kissed the top of her head "I'm sorry about what I said early ... and I'm sorry for being an ass when you tried to tell me ... and I'm sorry I got you pregnant"

"Me too" she sighed "I'm sorry I got pregnant"

This is just a roller coaster of emotions ! Be ready for the pain train !

Ahhhh Han and his sex jokes.


RockabyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora