Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

        Ben refused to talk about his dream with Rey, even if she pried and lurked he wouldn't tell her anything.

He said it was "just a dream..." he claimed that since she was the last person he had sex with that she was the first one he remembered.

That's all he would say.


Rey walked down the halls, her folder covering her tiny bump that she refused to believe she had.

"Hey" she turned to see Poe .

"Hi" she smiled "what's up?"

"Mom and dad are crazy... as always ... anyway mom wants to throw you a baby shower"

"I'm not even six months yet... no" she shook her head "closer to the due date she can throw one"

"Okay" Poe said "how's married life treating ya?"

"Awkward ... it's like Ben is still your friend and I'm your little sister... we don't kiss or anything... we've hugged once or twice that's it" she said.

"Well you had sex once doesn't automatically make you in love" Poe said.

"I know that and I didn't expect us to be in love Jesus ... were friends who share a last name, living space and are having a baby"

"Speaking of which, have you gotten a name or gender ?"

"No... we find out the gender soon hopefully... but I like a couple names, we haven't talked about baby names"

"Maybe you two should ... bring you together" Poe suggested.


Rey was in the hall, all alone as she was getting her textbook out for her next class.

She felt an apple thrown at her feet. She looked across to see two girls snickering .

She sighed and slammed her locker and walked down the hall.

"You got something on your back" a girl said in a snobby voice.

Rey grabbed a note on her back walking failed abortion client

She crumpled the note and ran down the hall.

She slammed the bathroom door shut and slid down , burying her face in her hands .

She cried into her hands as her sobs left her lips . She hated this.


Ben was at home cooking dinner waiting for Rey . It had been almost three hours since school had been out and she should have been home by now.

He heard her open the door and he walked out to see her with red puffy eyes . "You okay?"

"Fine" she shot and walked to their bedroom and slammed the door .

"Rey?" He said opening the door . She was looking in the mirror.

"Rey?" He asked taking a step closer to her . She threw her shirt down to cover her belly again "you're showing" he smiled .

"Don't remind me" she said grabbing a sweater .

"Aren't you happy?" He asked walking to her and taking a seat on the bed .

"No, because now comes all the new baby jokes ! All the taunts and making fun of me ! While you walk around skinny and thin without a fucking baby in your god damn stomach !" She yelled at him.

Ben grabbed her hands and brought her to him "this baby" he said lifting her shirt slightly "is the best thing that has ever happened to me ... you are one of the best things that have ever happened to me" he said standing up.

He brought her back to the mirror and lifted her shirt to rest on her bra. "This is the best thing that has happened to us" he said running his hands over her tiny bump.


"I love this baby" he said burying his face into the crook of her neck as his fingers danced on her belly. "And I can't thank you enough for it"

She sniffles and he kissed her cheek "you don't have to deal with those assholes anymore" he said "you can go to online school so you won't have too... I'm almost done with my senior year so I'd like to go to school but if you don't want me to -"

"I don't want to go anymore ... you can and I'll do online school " she said turning to face him.

"Okay" he kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back and she cried in the middle of his chest. "We're gonna be okay...I promise"

Besides smut what do you wanna see in this book ?


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