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Chapter Eighteen - Happy Birthday Daisy Ridley 

            Rey kissed Ben's cheek when he was leaving for school that Monday, she was in her pajamas and going to start online school in an hour.

Ben had a huge smile on his face as he walked into school, just a kiss on the cheek made him blush .

"Where's Rey?" Poe asked.

"At home, she's gonna do online school" Ben explained . "She likes it because she can stay in her pajamas all day"

"How come she's doing online school?"

"People where bullying her and stuff ... she was really upset and crying ... I had to take charge so I told her she should do online schooling so she doesn't have to deal with those assholes anymore" Ben told him as he walked to his locker.

"Well is she happy?"

"I think happier than she was a couple weeks ago... she was singing that horrible song when she was doing the dishes last night"

"The stupid one like 'when I was just a little girl I asked my mother what would I be ?' Like that ?" Poe asked.

"That exactly one" Ben laughed .

"She loves it... that and those eighties movies ... Heathers, Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, 16 Candles and footloose ... but she hates ! Hates St. Elmo's fire, bring that in the house and she'll kill you" Poe warned . The bell rang and he signed "well that cow heart won't dissect its self... see ya" Poe
said and walked off.


Rey was at the store getting some food and such for the week. She planned on maybe starting to get the nursery together .

A wall decal and rug wouldn't hurt . Though she did want to know the gender soon.

Rey looked at another mother , probably 8 months and she was holding two different bunny rabbits in her hands .

"Pregnant?" She asked Rey.

"Yeah... uh, 23 weeks I think" Rey said.

"That's good ... has it kicked yet?"

"No... I can't feel it.." Rey said as she moved her hands over her belly.

"I can... she's kicking up a storm" the lady smiled . "When are you due ?"

"June 16th" Rey said "you ?"

"Next Tuesday " she smiled "pregnancy is great but I can't wait to get this kid out of me" she laughed .


Ben got home with a handful of her favorite movies and some flowers .

He decided that since it was their 2 month anniversary today he would do something nice.

Even if it was only movies and maybe pizza , he'd let her get pineapple even though he hated it.

When he was walking up the driveway to the stairs he saw Han and her laughing .

"Hey"he said hiding the flowers behind his back .

"Hey Ben... I was just telling your dad that I'm doing online school... also that on Thursday we find out the baby's gender"

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