Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"Ben Solo" the announcer said as Ben walked across the stage and revived his diploma .

Rey, Han , Leia and the entire Skywalker , Solo and Kenobi families clapped loudly as he smiled .

"Oh" Rey said and sat down .

"You okay?" Han asked as he sat down as well .

"She's kicking ... just proud of her daddy that's all" she sighed .

"Hey kid" Han said to Rey's belly "give you're parents a break tonight eh ? They've earned it"

Rey blushed and they continued watching the ceremony.


"I'd like to raise a toast, to Ben and Poe ... for graduating high school" Han said with his glass of wine in the air.

They walk lifted their glasses as tapped glasses in celebration. "Ben honey ? Can you pass me the salt?" Leia asked .

"Here mom" he handed the salt . "You okay sweetheart ?" Ben asked Rey.

"You're daughter won't stop kicking" she rolled her eyes as she began to eat her own salad.

"Oh so she's my daughter when she's kicking but yours when she does it on cue ?" He asked annoyed.

"Get used to it" Han smirked as he drank his own beer .

They continued laughing and sharing stories as dinner continued, Rey excused herself to the bathroom and sighed .

Not today ...

This was Ben's day and she didn't need it ruined by little miss Olivia trying to get out .

Her contractions where 7 minutes apart and pretty strong , she just had to make it through 5 more hours .

That's all.

"Rey ?" She looked to see Leia "you okay?"

"She's a kicker ..." Rey lied and washed her hands .

"Just kicking?" She asked .

"She's been like this whenever it's an event for Ben and I... she likes being center of attention"

"She's a Skywalker of course she does" Leia laughed .


"Here's a gift from mom and me" Han said and handed his son a key.

"Dad ? The falcon ?!" Ben said with a smile on his face.

The falcon was Han's boat he's had since he was Ben's age .

"Dad this is -"

"Holy mother of god" Rey yelped and suddenly her water broke.

"Rey !" Ben said running around to grab ahold of her "sweetheart your water broke we need to get you to the hospital"

"Alright come on now" Han said grabbing her coat.

"I'm fine, this is your day Ben" she said .

"Rey our kid is about to pop out of you... you probably are gonna have contractions so -"

"I've been having contractions all morning and yesterday Ben ... they're 3 minutes apart and they hurt like a son of a bitch!" She groaned as another one hit.


"Okay ... you're 4 inches dilated this could take a while Mrs. Solo please rest up" the doctor said and walked out.

"Honey why didn't you tell me sooner ?" He asked as he pushed back her loose hairs .

"Today is your day Ben" she sighed as her drugs began to dull the pain.

"Honey it's not that big a deal -"

"It is !" She cried and suddenly tears were falling from her eyes. "I ruined your life Ben ! I stole your wedding and first marriage ! I ruined your one and only first wedding night. I'm the reason why people talked about you at school. I'm why you didn't get to go to parties because you had to hold my hair back while I vomit .... I'm the one who made you stay home during spring break so we could paint the nursery ... I ruined your life and I didn't want to ruin this too ! I wanted to give you just this and she wouldn't let me" she sobbed .

"Sweetheart" he said as he held her hand "you've made my life so much better by being in it... by carrying our little girl" he kissed her cheek "by loving me from the bottom of your heart is more than I could have ever asked for" he kissed her softly.

Okay real talk ...
you get 2 options

A: I make them have the baby and we stop the story and I'll write something new

B : they have the baby and time skip to a little while on to see how Mr. And Mrs. Solo are doing for about 10 chapters or so ...

Vote honestly please also your vote isn't valid unless you like this chapter !


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