Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Olivia slept on Rey's chest in the baby vest as the group sat down .

With the occasional stroke of her hair , Olivia was calm and sleeping on her mother's breast.

"You okay?" Ben asked as Rey took a sip of her tea.

"We're good..." she smiled , he squeezed her thigh and then they went back to the conversation.

"It was a miracle really... Olivia here is Ben only biological child ...and I'm very happy Rey is her mother ... she's simply gorgeous and quite smart" Leia said to her parents .

"Rey did you and Ben date before ?" Padmè asked.

"Oh ... no" she laughed "he was my brothers best friend , I knew him and stuff but he was kinda like an older brother to me" Rey said .

"Then how did ... Obie come to be?" Anakin asked .

"We went to party ... things went from there ... at first I didn't believe it was real but... it was ... she was on her way , we got married and then we had her-"

"I had her ... I have the scar to prove it too" Rey smirked at Ben .

"Well... that's how she came to be ..." Ben laughed.

"Rey are you going to school?" Padmè asked.

"I do online school ... it was hard at school during the pregnancy with all the symptoms so I started online schooling ... I just have 20 more credits till I've graduated" Rey told her.

"Will you be going to college ?" Anakin asked.

"Well, eventually... when she gets to be 2 I'll be 18, so she can start daycare and I can go to school while Ben does" Rey explained .

"So Ben does three days of university a week and then two days at the office ?" Padmè asked.

"Yup" Ben nodded "it works out... Rey stays at home and takes care of Olivia and does her school work... she starts dinner or laundry ... I'll take of Olivia when I get home and she work on her homework for a while ... I'll fold the clothes and do the dishes" Ben told them "it's a system"

"A good system" Rey smiled at him.

"Rey do you want more children ?" Anakin asked.

"Now ? No ... she's more than enough trust me ... but I would welcome a child open arms ... but I know Ben can't physically have any and I wouldn't want children that weren't his or ours ..." she explained .


Rey was careful not to spill her food on Olivia as she ate, but holding a sleeping infant to your chest and eating salad was difficult.

Ben finished his food first , "here babe let me have her" he said .

Rey nodded and undid the vest and poured Olivia into his arms.

She began to wake up so Ben gently rocked her as Rey ate her food.

"So tomorrow we can have breakfast at the hotel and get an early start .." Leia said. "Also , Han and I would like to take care of Olivia for a while so you two can go off and have some fun"

"Mom !" Ben said .

Rey laughed "she meant go on rides genius"

Ben rolled his eyes "if you guys want ... mom don't buy her ridiculous stuff she can't use, she's nine months old ... seriously dad don't let her"

"I have no control over your mother and haven't since I met her" Han said "I know my place and I don't feel like sleeping in the same room as Luke so I'm gonna let your mom do as she pleases" Han said sipping his tea .


Olivia was fast asleep in the crib , Rey was in the shower and Ben was unpacking the baby food and putting it in the fridge .

He finished and walked into the bathroom, the steam hit him in the face .

Music was playing from Rey's cellphone on the counter . Ed Sherran's Shape of You blasted from her phone.

He unbuckled his pants and threw his shirt off . He walked into the shower and placed a hand on her hip .

"What happened to a bath?" He asked.

"Wasn't big enough..." she said .

"I wanted to take a bath with you" he said as he kissed down her neck.

"Hmm" she hummed as he turned the water to the bath setting and clogged the drain .

He sat down and pulled her on his lap . He pressed hot kisses down her neck as she closed her eyes and softly moaned .

The warm water filled up the bath quickly and she turned it off, keeping the curtain closed .

He ran his hand up and down her thigh and her breathing hitched "tell me what you want"

"Fuck me" she said as she instantly shivered as one of his long fingers entered her .

"How ?" He asked .

"Hard and fast" she said .

He smiled and flipped them so she was on the bottom. He then Lined his hard cock up with her entrance and thrusted into her.

The sound of their skin slapping and the water swishing was all you could hear besides "John Wayne" by Lady Gaga.

"Oh !  .. tight! Tight for me huh ! Oh ! Shhhh ! Shhhhh ! It's okay ! Ahh I'm here ... fuck oh fuck !" Ben moaned .

He felt her clamp down around him and bite his shoulder as she came . He followed soon after and then pulled out of her .

He flipped again so she sat between his legs .

He gently washed her body with the sponge . Being extra careful to her inner thighs .

The door to the bathroom opened and Rey threw her hand over her mouth .

Thankfully the shower curtain covered them "hello ? Ben ?"

"What dad ?!" He yelled .

"Where's Rey ?"

"In here what do you want old man ?!" He asked angrily.

"Jesus kid ... mom and I were gonna get ice cream you want any?" He asked.

"No dad!" Ben yelled .

Rey slapped his chest "I want ice cream!" She whispered .

"Yes ! Mint Chocolate Chip please can you leave ?!" He asked and han laughed as he walked out the  bathroom door.

When he went to hi room Leia was throwing her jacket on "where were they ?" She asked.

"Bath together ... I heard our son say some interesting things"

"I don't wanna know" Leia said as he grabbed her purse and walked out.

-the grump Joey

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