Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

             Ben was on his phone right before his class started . Rey sent him pictures of Olivia in the bath with bubbles all around her .

Ben: need anything on my way home ?
Rey: diapers and can you get some disinfect for the pump?
Ben: okay ... class is about to start love you
Rey: we love you too, have a good time sweetheart and text me when you're done.
Ben: okay , bye.

He closed his phone then set it down next to his laptop .

"Pardon me is this seat taken ?" A ginger haired man asked .

He looked prim, with a black coat and trousers , a black turtle neck covering his torso and a simple black laptop case .

"Go for it" Ben said and he sat next to him.

Ben's phone buzzed and he looked at it : Uncle Luke : We booked the church don't tell Rey .

He cleared the message and smiled at his lock screen . It was a picture of Rey and Olivia smiling back when they took their family portrait a couple weeks ago.

"Your sister ?" The man asked .

"Wife and daughter ... I'm Ben, Ben Solo" he said putting his hand out .

"Armtaige Hux, horrid name but everyone calls me Hux ... I'm from London ..."

"I'm from Naboo, little island only 25 minutes away... " he said .

"Pardon me asking but how old are you?" Hux questioned .

"Eighteen... she's sixteen my wife , Rey and our little girl is only three months old ... Rey used to study abroad in London when we were kids ..."

"She Sixteen ?!" Hux said with wide eyes .

"Yeah" Ben nodded.

"Isn't thy illegal or something ? Or is it an American thing ?" Hux said.

Ben laughed a little "no... I was 17 when we got married and she was 16, my birthday was three weeks ago and she's gonna be 17 in December" Ben said .

"Why ?" Hux asked.

"She was pregnant , long story short we got married and we've been pretty happy ever since ... she's currently just finishing up high school ... she's gonna wait till I'm out of college for her to go to school ..."

"Solo... doesn't your family own Skywalker Solo Boating Inc ?" He asked.

"Yeah , my mom, dad and uncle own it ..." he said "how did -"

"My father used to race using their supplies ... Ben Solo... isn't your father Han Solo ? The racer ? My father was a big fan"

"Yeah, that's my dad" he said .


Ben and Hux decide  to get lunch together , a good friendship was forming between them.

"So then she screamed in the middle of my graduation party because her water broke" Ben said .

"That's just crazy... my girlfriend and I broke up a while ago ... she was to focused on her looks... I am talking to this girl , she's from Naboo, her name is Gwen Phasma -"

"Gwen ? I know her, she and I had AP History Junior year, real nice girl"

"You know her?" Hux asked.

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